Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Day with Horses, Rabbits, Swans and Bears

Can you guess where we can find horses, rabbits, black swans and giant teddy bears? No, no, not the zoo... but if you guessed the Berjaya Hills or Bukit Tinggi, you are right and you'd probably been there...

My parents have always been talking about taking me there. The last time I was "here", I was still inside Mommy...

Inside Mommy... about a month before I was born... in the year 2007...

Earlier, they have been asking me if I wanted to see horses and also touch rabbits. Every time they asked, I would say "I want!". Everyday, I have been anticipating the day we would go. Finally, today we went!!

With Daddy... posing at the entrance of the Horse Trails...

For the first time, I met real horses face-to-face...

Photos with the horses...

After meeting the horses, we visited the rabbits. At first, I was a little afraid to touch them. Daddy and Mommy kept encouraging me and let me stroke their soft fur...

Oh Daddy, I hope it won't bite me...

Most of the time, I would just stand and watch them hop around or drink water. Once in a while (after Mommy asked me to, for the 100th time), I would try and approach them, then stroke them. They are so soft and cute! But each time they move a little, I would quickly shrink back...

Sayang rabbit... sayang, sayang...

Besides horses and rabbits, I saw deers, donkeys and black swans and giant teddy bears too!!

Hello Mr. Deer... nice to meet you...
Mr. Donkey, it's drizzling now so I shall sit here for a little while ok...

It started to drizzle whilst I was playing with the rabbits. But it only drizzled for a little while. After it stopped, we went to Colmar Tropicale...

Where am I??
Bear-bear, you are so cute... I want to take you home with me, but I can't. So I shall give you a big kiss. Muaaacks!!

Beautiful black swans, why did you leave when I came up to see you?

Mommy, this place is really nice... but too bad, the management isn't as nice and won't let people have picnics here...

Pretty, pretty flowers...
Splendid view from the top...

Left photo: Tired and a little hungry on the way back...
Right photo: Telling Mah-mah about the rabbits after dinner... "Leanne touched rabbits... Rabbits so cute oooooh...."

We'll probably go see the horses and rabbits again but I doubt we'll pay to go into the Colmar Tropicale again when we are not allowed to sit and enjoy our pre-packed nasi lemak there...

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