Friday, December 4, 2009

25 Months Old

Today, I am 25 months old!

Because this is again a backlog (actually written on the 11th of january 2010), I can't really remember exactly what are the new developments since I turned 24 months or 2 years old. Anyway, below are the photos taken 'today', so they'll be my 'storyline' guide...

I like pretending to be like Mommy, doing whatever she does... such as putting on sunblock and makeup...

Playing with Mommy's empty sunblock tube and posing a bit...

I will put on a cheeky smile (show all my front teeth with my eyes closed) instead whenever I am asked to smile. I really, really like playing on the slide. I think I pester Mommy everyday saying "Oi play slide" or "Go playground... play slide..."

Fun at the McDonald's playground in Tesco...

I am still very much a copycat, both in speech and actions. So sometimes I learn both the good as well as not very good behaviours (e.g. trying to stand on my head) and words (e.g the cantonese word 'fan') from children and adults alike...

I am not very friendly with strangers or people I seldom meet. I never obey my parents when asked to shake hands or say hello to them. I would either show a really shy face or rudely turn my head to look away. Oh, another thing which I have forgotten to mention before (forgot when I started this exactly) is that I refuse to wave to the guards now, with plenty of excuses. My excuses varies each time, I would say something about holding something, so can't wave... or too busy doing something to wave...

Whenever Mommy and I go out, she let me sit in front sometimes. So when I am sitting in front, I insist on helping Mommy turn on the air-cond and radio. If she turned them on first, I would not hesitate to show her my disappointment and whine till she turned off everything and let me do it again. Then, when we are back home, I insist on 'driving'. Sometimes I would insist that my bear-bear sit with me in front and have the safety belts put on...

Bear-bear, sit tight ok. We are going for a ride. Yes, I am driving!

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