Sunday, December 13, 2009

Circuit Assembly (Day 1 & 2)

DAY 1 (Yesterday):

Dressed up for the assembly in white stockings and new white shoes (which Mommy bought just the day before yesterday)...

I was quite restless during the program. I whined, cried and made a lot of noise. Daddy and Mommy had to take turns taking me out of the hall so that I do not disturb the others who were trying to concentrate. When it was lunch hour, I let all my energy out by running around, playing with my new and old friends...

Playing with Toiyon-jie-jie...

DAY 2 (Today):

With my Daddy and little friends...

The day at the assembly didn't start off well today. When I was asked to shake hands with sister Janis, I slapped her with my notebook instead. My parents were horrified at my behaviour of course, but I felt no remorse. They kept apologising to her and asked me to say sorry too. But I stubbornly refused. Mommy was really upset about this. She thinks that because of my rude behaviour, some people would think that she, as a parent, did not teach me well and thus, make people not like us too...

Nevertheless, after a stern warning etc, I was more well-behaved today compared to yesterday. During the program, I would read my books, ate some blueberries and biscuits, drank what I call the "cow gen-gen" (something like vitagen with a picture of a cow on the bottle) and write/drew something in my notebook quietly...

I think I must have been overwhelmed with happiness because I met many friends, especially during lunch hour that I went a bit crazy. I would run and jump about, laughing to myself as I did so, oblivious to the stares or smiles of people who were watching my bizarre behaviour. Even when no one paid attention to me, I still continued to be overjoyed and active, even to the point of hitting Rebecca-jie-jie's backside (caught on camera, see 2nd picture above) and then giggling mischievously...

I sat behind Nikki-jie-jie today and she gave me a 'Hello Kitty' pencil cap. Thank you! I like it very, very much! Her mommy also invited us over to their place to play whenever we like. (Mommy was so pleased!)...

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