Saturday, January 16, 2010

Barney Crazy

At the start of this week, Mommy let me watched a Barney VCD. Lily-yi-yi gave it to me quite some time ago. At that time, I was never interested in watching cartoons or children's shows. However, I sat down to watch the Barney's Rhyme Time for the first time on Monday and fell in love with it! I watched it from morning till night...

Watching Barney home video...

I especially like the first song. I have a special dance for it too. I would shake my head or toss my hair left and right whilst lifting my legs up high in turns. It's quite funny. Watch the video below and see it for yourselves...

Because I asked Mommy so many times to play only that song, she taught me how to do it myself. Since it was the first song, it was easy. She just taught me how to press the << on the DVD remote.

I watched Barney on MONDAY, TUESDAY and THURSDAY all day, from morning till night. I would have watched it all day Wednesday and Friday too if I wasn't at Mah-mah's during the day. But guess what was the first thing I said when I woke up in the mornings? "Oi Barney song!" (I want Barney song!)

Like it or not, the remote is now in my control!

TODAY, I didn't get to watch it. We went out. Even when we were in the car, I asked for "Barney song". When we were back home, my parents refused to turn it on for me no matter how many tears I shed or how loud or how long I wailed "Oi Barney song!!"

I am a crazy fan of Barney now...

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