Friday, January 29, 2010

Home Sweet Home

After being away for 3 + 1 nights (Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), I am home again. I miss doing the things I do at home so much that I didn't delay in trying to do all I could as soon as I got home...

Here's what I missed most:

1. Barney!!!

Singing along...

2. My flash/picture cards...

3. My posters

4. All my little soft toys...

5. Basically, all my toys...

Busy moving my toys from one place to another... kekeke...

Where have all the toys disappeared to?!

Toys in the kitchen!! Hahahehe...

I was away for so long because Mommy had a very bad backache, headaches and neck pains. Daddy too has been suffering from severe headaches. I am glad they are better now and I am so glad to be home! Home sweet home....

My Favourite Cards

I have many sets of flash/picture cards. I have cards about sea animals, birds, insects, fruits, land animals, etc. I love those about animals, I don't like the ones about insects. Anyway, these 3 as shown below are my favourites!

I really like 'studying' them. Almost everyday I will ask Mommy to 'study' with me. When she is busy doing something, I sometimes 'study' them on my own. The funny thing is, I relate certain objects or fruits to persons I know. For example, as you will also see in the videos below: Soap = Auntie SokMeng; Persimmon = SeeMun-ceh-ceh...

'Daily Necessities' 40 flash cards (video taken on 02 January 2010):

'Fruits' 40 flash cards (video taken today):

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo Contest @ Tesco

After buying some groceries at Tesco today, Mommy noticed that there is a baby/kids photo contest near the exit. The lady told her that with any purchase of RM50 in a single receipt, we can have 1 photo taken for free! And the photo will be submitted for the contest...

Mommy was quite excited to let me have my photo taken but I was not cooperative at all. I refused to sit or stand alone for a snapshot. In the end (to cut the looong story short), Mommy gave up trying to persuade me and we left...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Plucking Flowers

I like to pluck this red flower from Mommy's garden. After given the permission to do so once, I always do this whenever I see a bloom. It's so pretty...

Just Another Tower Design

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Whenever I want Mommy's attention, I would call her a few times (usually 3) in one breath.

"Mommy-mommy", "Mommy-mommy-mommy", "Mommy-mommy-mommy-mommy" or "Mommy-mommy-mommy-mommy-mommy"...

Mommy thinks it is cute. So she asked to act it out for her to video. But the most I did was 3 times only...

Unusual Attachments

3 weeks ago, I became very attached to Daddy. I want to be with Daddy all the time. If I woke up in the morning when he was going to work, I would cry and not want him to leave. Mommy let me wave to Daddy from the window upstairs and I would feel a little bit better...

2 weeks ago, when Mommy wanted to leave me at Mah-mah's place, I would cry and clinged on to her. When Mah-mah tried to carry me away, I would scream and yell. I want only Mommy. Mommy had to pretend she was going to the toilet or Mah-mah had to distract me. But I was not easily fooled...

Last week, though, I was all right when Mommy left me at Mah-mah's place for the day. I would wave, say 'bye-bye' and even gave her a big kiss on the cheek...

Then, today, after having dinner at Mah-mah's place, I cried and cried. I want Mah-mah to go home with us...

What unusual attachments I form every week eh!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Love is Sharing

2 days ago...

No, I don't want to share my apples with you... "Moi pei Mommy sek..."

Of course, I got 'lectured' when I didn't want to share. Afterall, love is sharing...


Here... please have some. I insist! Mommy, nah... Sek ah...

I am usually generous and would offer/share my food with others. Sometimes I guess I just need a little reminder. Yes, now I remember that it is good to share... :)

Drawing Circles

Yesterday, Daddy taught me how to draw a circle and Mommy was there to do a quick video...

See, see... I drew a circle...

A circle (with a long tail... hahaha...)

A circle (with a little tail... kakaka...)

Many, many circles...

An incomplete circle perfected with another dash of a line (on the left)... kekekeke...

Bathtime Story

Once upon a time...

There lived a little girl who loves having the towel wrapped around her like this...

The width of the towel is ngam-ngam my height... hehe...

She also likes to let it drop on to the floor like this...

The towel on the floor...

She would not let her Mommy remove or even touch it. She likes to leave it like that. Moi yuk ah... moi ah... moi ah... moi yuk ah!!

With the towel on the floor, she gets dressed. She smells so nice. She gets a big hug and a kiss from her Mommy. And she lives happily ever after...

The end.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Latest Stunt

My latest stunt is to put my hands on the coffee table and stretch my legs and put them on the sofa behind me. There is no photo but Mommy caught me doing this on video last Monday...

Actually, I have been doing this quite often since I saw Mommy sitting on the sofa and leaning forward with her elbow resting on the coffee table in front of her whilst changing the TV channel. What makes me try to copy her? I dunno... I just like to...

Barney Crazy

At the start of this week, Mommy let me watched a Barney VCD. Lily-yi-yi gave it to me quite some time ago. At that time, I was never interested in watching cartoons or children's shows. However, I sat down to watch the Barney's Rhyme Time for the first time on Monday and fell in love with it! I watched it from morning till night...

Watching Barney home video...

I especially like the first song. I have a special dance for it too. I would shake my head or toss my hair left and right whilst lifting my legs up high in turns. It's quite funny. Watch the video below and see it for yourselves...

Because I asked Mommy so many times to play only that song, she taught me how to do it myself. Since it was the first song, it was easy. She just taught me how to press the << on the DVD remote.

I watched Barney on MONDAY, TUESDAY and THURSDAY all day, from morning till night. I would have watched it all day Wednesday and Friday too if I wasn't at Mah-mah's during the day. But guess what was the first thing I said when I woke up in the mornings? "Oi Barney song!" (I want Barney song!)

Like it or not, the remote is now in my control!

TODAY, I didn't get to watch it. We went out. Even when we were in the car, I asked for "Barney song". When we were back home, my parents refused to turn it on for me no matter how many tears I shed or how loud or how long I wailed "Oi Barney song!!"

I am a crazy fan of Barney now...

Pasta with Cheese

Since the day I tasted Daddy's cabonara spaghetti about 2 weeks ago (at Fullhouse near Lily-yi-yi's place), I just love eating any pasta cooked in similar fashion. I prefer creamy to tomato sauces. Mommy soon learnt this after the following servings:

1. Served on 4 January 2010: Cheesy spaghetti with homemade chicken and vege meatballs...

Verdict: YUMMY!!

2. Served on 6 January 2010: Spaghetti in cheese and herb sauce (sauce bought from Tesco), minced chicken, cauliflower, carrots and finely chopped green vegetables...

Verdict: HMMM.... GOOD!!

3. Served on 11 January 2010: Cheesy macaroni (with added finely cut green vegetable)...

Verdict: Absolutely LOVE it!!

4. Served on 16 January 2010: Spaghetti in tomato sauce (with minced chicken and a fried egg, ordered at Char Chan Teng at 1U)

(Sorry, no picture)

Verdict: After 1 spoonful, no, thank you...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Crying Spell

For the past couple of days, I have been crying over every little thing. Whilst watching Barney yesterday...

Me: So loud!! *cry*
Mommy: (lowers the volume)
Me: *cry even louder*
Mommy: Why? What's wrong?
Me: Loud ah!! *cry*
Mommy: ??? Do you mean you want it louder?
Me: Yes, louder! *cry*
Mommy: (increases the volume)
Me: So loud!! *cry*
Mommy: (lowers the volume)
Me: *throw tantrums and cry*
Mommy: ?!?!?!

Good but Naughty Too

I have been a good girl this week for 3 main reasons:

1. I am not super-glued to Mommy this week. I don't cry when Mommy leave me at Mah-mah's house. Before this, I would cry and hold on to Mommy and not let her leave. I scream the place down when Mah-mah tried to carry me away so Mommy could leave. But no, I didn't do that on Wednesday and today. I smiled and waved bye-bye to Mommy, and even give her a big goodbye kiss...

2. I finish my meals. Previously, I usually only finish half. But this week, sometimes just an hour after my meals, I would ask for snacks too. My appetite is exceptionally good. I was just dewormed last month because of very poor appetite. Do I have another type of worm eating up my food and making me hungry more often now? Hmm...

3. I am daytime diaper-free. I will ask to go to the toilet or use the potty whenever I need to, at home. However, I still refused to use the potty when I am at Mah-mah's...

I have been a naughty girl this week for 3 reasons too:

1. I stubbornly refuse to say sorry when I am supposed to. I tore a page of Daddy's book but would only say 'sorry' after being reprimanded many times and disciplined with a hanger (the cane) at least 5 times...

2. I throw tanturms when I am frustrated or I don't have things my way. E.g. I want to sit closer to the sofa but I placed my stool too close until I cannot put my legs in front. So I will throw a tantrum and if you are near me, you will get hit by me...

3. I throw things at people or around whenever I like, even after being warned not too.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Saturday is No Plastic Bag Day

Effective 9th of January 2010, every Saturday is a 'No Plastic Bag' day. We only realised this when we went shopping at Jusco last Saturday. They didn't give us any plastic bag for the items we purchased after payment.

So, today, Mommy sew her first 'green bag' and it is reversible. There are 2 ways to carry it:
1. Flower pattern on the outside and plain green on the inside
2. Plain green on the outside and flower patterns on the inside.

Mommy's reversible green bag...

Whilst Mommy designed her bag, I designed something too...

Mommy, you don't have to buy me new clothes. I invented something new to wear...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Mommy bought me stickers!!

Stickers from Tesco...

She told me to stick them ONLY in my sticker album...

Busy sticking stickers...

After sticking them in the sticker album, I had other plans. I want to stick them on the table, on the sofa, on the floor, and even on the shoe cabinet outside...

Stickers here... stickers there... stickers everywhere...

Mommy warned me a few times not to do that, but I turned a deaf ear to her. If they don't stick anymore, I don't mind...

French Fries Fan (or Not)

I am not a fan of french fries. Whenever my parents offered them to me, I would reject them. I might try them but I would always spit them out. Today was different. I think I just like the fun of dipping them in tomato sauce before eating them...

Tim... tim... (dip... dip...)

Oh, Mommy brought her new mini Dell out today. So happy and action la! She won't let me touch it...

Mommy's new toy...

Daddy was with us because he had a spilting headache earlier and the doctor gave him leave from work. We still have to eat our breakfast, so we ate at the Old Town. Actually Mommy and I are very happy that Daddy didn't have to go to work today. We love you, Daddy!