Saturday, April 4, 2009

17 Months Old

Today, I am 17 months old. I am still unwell. I have a fever that comes and goes, a cough and a runny nose.

Last night, I didn't sleep so well. I woke up almost every hour coughing and crying because I was frustrated that I could not breathe properly. My cough interrupted my night sleep (and also my afternoon nap) and my nose was blocked. So I would cry and also throw a tantrum...

My appetite was a little better today. I drank my milk and lots of water. However, I didn't want to eat any bread, porridge or cereal...

I love cheese though. I wanted yoghurt too, but I was not allowed any...

I am also taking my medicine more willingly now. Mommy put the medicine in the cover of my milk bottle. I like drinking water from it. So Mommy decided to try putting medicine in it for me to drink. And I did, without much fuss. I could see Mommy's smile after I finished taking my medicine. She must be very relieved that she didn't have to use force. And this 'method' worked every time...

I also didn't mind drinking my medicine from a small measuring cup...

NEW DEVELOPMENTS (since I turned 16 months old last month):

1. I know how to use the spoon to feed myself.

2. I am begining to use and say more words. New words I can or try to say: "ahpel" (apple) , "gai-gai" (go for walks), "kaah" (car), "ket-ket" (yoghurt or biscuit), "mam-mam" (any food), "nen-nen" (milk), "clok" (clock), "hau" (house), "mau" (mouse), "ehpen" (elephant), "oh" (owl), "well" (whale)...

3. My favourite words: "bo-bo" (because I love my winnie the pooh!!), "beh-beh" (bear), "chuit-chuit" (my pacifier), "chis" (cheese).

WHAT I LIKE/LOVE (in no particular order):

1. Anything that has bo-bo (winnie the pooh) on it. Mah-mah bought me 2 shirts with matching pants and bo-bo prints because I love bo-bo so much...

2. I love cheese! Everyday (without fail) I would point to the fridge and ask for some.

3. I love yoghurt or yoghurt drinks too.

4. Sometimes I enjoy eating biscuits too. When I am given a few pieces to pick from, I would always choose the biggest piece!

5. I still like to suck the pacifier (a bad habit hard to break)...

6. I enjoy singing praises during our Christian meetings and like to hold the book on my own...

7. I like my new toy, the mini battery-operated piano. Mommy brought it back from her hometown recently. I like to press the 'demo' button and dance/move my body in rhythm to the music...

8. I like to take my soft toys go gai-gai (walks) in the stroller...

9. I like to sleep/nap with one leg up...

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