Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fever, Fever, No More!

It has been the worst fever ever! For 5 days and 4 nights, my temperature fluctuated between 37.5'C and 40.0'C. I never had a temperature over 38.0'C before this. It started last Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning, I was taken to the Sunway hospital when my temperature rose to 38.8... and again on Monday (before dawn) when it rose to 39.9!! Paracetamol alone didn't seem to help. Only after 2 days of antibiotics (given upon 2nd doctor's visit), my temperature become normal again... much to my parents' relief...

I insisted on checking my temperature myself this morning...

See, no more fever (36.8'C)... since yesterday afternoon...

Snacking on some blueberries. My appetite has improved. Yesterday, I was already asking for extra servings of broccoli for lunch and later finished a whole box of blueberries. Just the day before that, I could not even finish 1 slice of bread or half a bottle of milk...

Baby TV on channel 618. This chaneel really helped kept me entertained and from fussing. I watched it almost all day... Mommy accidentally found this channel a couple of weeks ago. There is a different story every 5 minutes which I enjoyed very much. 'The Snowies' and 'The Mice Builders' are my favourites...

My parents camped in my room and closely monitored me through those nights... (well, the air-cond in their room was also broken)... 3 out of the 4 awful nights, they had to insert 'the voltaren 12.5mg bullet' up my backside to bring down the temperature. The doctor advised them to do so when the temperature is over 39. I cried but was very cooperative. I was also calm and did not cry when we went to see the doctor both times. I only cried during the second visit when I had to do a blood test... During my fever, I also sweat a lot. Good thing, I love drinking lots of water. But Mommy has to change me many times throughout the day and especially at night. Because I am still so fussy about what I want to wear, she has to do the laundry everyday. I also vomited a few times...

I have been sick every month since I started school. Usually it is just cough and colds, besides tummy problems. So this fever scare is making my parents have 2nd thoughts about letting me continue to attend school for the next 2nd half of the year. They are still debating over it...

Bye-bye Langkawi - More photos for Day 3

Bye-bye Langkawi - Day 3 (08-May-2011)

Our Day 3 (8-May-2011) in Langkawi was short but sweet. After breakfast, we took a short walk and snapped a few photos by the lovely salt-water swimming pool. After a few more snapshots around the resort, we checked out and left for the airport...

At the lovely salt-water pool which we missed swimming in...

With Daddy and Mommy...

With my cool Yeh-yeh and loving Mah-mah...

At the Langkawi airport... guarding the luggages...

Bye-bye Langkawi...

A bit teary because I fell down whilst walking to the airplane and bruised my right elbow...

Cheered up a little when Mommy took out another new sticker and colouring book which she had saved for 'emergency'...

We have landed safely back home!

Just after getting off the plane, somewhere in KLIA...

Making sure my 'baby' is warm and safe...

Wheee.... a trolley-ride! Home alas....

I really enjoyed our holiday in Langkawi. I miss swimming there. I also miss those fun times whilst in the MPV, singing very loudly, playing with Ku-cheh's iPhone and being the center of attention! I like the room, the pool, the chocolates, the toys and the plane ride... Next, I want to go on a bus okay??

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Langkawi - More photos for Day 2

More photos on our second day in Langkawi (taken from Kevin-gor-gor's DLSR):

Langkawi - Day 2 (07-May-2011)

On the morning of our second day in Langkawi, I told Mommy that I didn't know where I was when I woke up. I was thinking whether I was in Port Dickson, Cherating or Taiping. But when I opened my eyes and looked around, I remembered that I was in Langkawi. Yes, I was very chatty already in the morning because I was happy to be in Langkawi and I had a good night's sleep...

Day 2's activities were similar to Day 1's. After breakfast, we drove to the "Telaga Tujuh" but decided against walking/climbing up the hill to see the waterfalls. We were afraid of meeting monkeys along the way too ('pantang' for pregnant Sam-sam). The idea of going on the cable cars was also not welcomed. Everyone seemed more interested to go shopping again and so we went to buy more chocolates, beer, liquor and others (t-shirts, clothes, a luggage bag, etc.)...

After shopping and lunch, we were back at the resort for a short rest, swimming and another night of laughter and fun in Yeh-yeh's room before retiring to bed. Oh, whilst Daddy and Mommy courageously battled the strong waves in the sea after swimming in the pool, I dug in the sand with Mah-mah. We all had a really good time. I kept telling my parents, I like Langkawi!!

Here are the photos (from Mommy's camera) for Day 2:

Breakfast at a sunny spot by the beach... As it got sunnier, it got a bit hotter too. So, we moved inside and filled up our tummies before going out...

A water-apple tree... This one was quite cute, so I had to pose in front of it for a few snapshots...

Showing off my new pair of Minnie Mouse slippers Kevin-gor-gor bought for me... Thank you, gor-gor. I love them!

Hey Mommy, that's not swimming! Look at me. This is how you do it okay. You kick like this... *kick, kick, splash, splash*

Swimming is fun!

In the pool with Ku-cheh, my buddy... We raced each other across the pool several times and I won each time (well, she let me win)...

Daddy, where are you? Come, come... are you still playing ping-pong over there?

Look, it's raining!... *splash, splash*...


My collection of toys from the 50 cent or 50+50 cents vending machines outside mini-markets or stores... Ku-cheh got me all these, except one from Daddy. Thank you, Ku-cheh and Daddy! I love these cute toys...