Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Day With My Cousins

I went to See-Yee-Poh's house today. On the way, we picked cousin Chloe and Lily-yee-yee too. Little cousin ZW is so cute. He smiles and laughs a lot...

I like him and I think he likes me too. He would sometimes crawl towards me to play with me...

They have a very huge teddy bear. Can you see it in the picture below? It's bigger than me! I like bears. I also like my cheese sandwich which Mommy made for my lunch today and I ate it all, including one banana. Normally I am not such a good girl to finish one whole sandwich but today I was quite a good girl. I also didn't cry during our car ride to Bangsar (and back). However, I was not very cooperative when they wanted to take a group photo of the four of us little cousins...

I didn't really know how to play with my cousins. So I played on my own most of the time, exploring every toy there is...

After lunch, I started to get tired and cranky. So Mommy said it was time to go home. Cousin Chloe and Lily-yee-yee followed us back. Back home, cousin Chloe sayang me. But I turned my back on her. What a snob I was! Maybe I was still a little moody after being waken up from my nap in the car (excuses, excuses)...

Mommy took out a new toy for us. It was a cash register. She has been hiding it all this while?! Anyway, we had fun with it. It is quite an interesting toy. It has a real calculator. I can supposedly swipe a credit card, weigh things, talk through the microphone (it has a real speaker!), put the basket of fruits on the conveyor belt (which can actually move!), scan things, put money in the drawer and lock it...

Cousin Chloe is my hero for the day. She saved my phone from the woofer. When she took it out, she was really happy too and we quickly put it back where it was supposed to be... Yeay!!

At times, I was very curious about what she was doing and wanted to do the same...

What a nice day with my cousins today! :)


ChloeRuoyi said...

Chloe jie-jie had a lot of fun playing with you and your toys haha! We should meet more often :-)

Leanne Leong said...

Yes, yes...!! :)