Monday, August 3, 2009

District Convention @ Malacca

We left for Malacca on the 30th of July after Daddy got home from work. I was excited to sit in my new car seat but after an hour or so, I got bored and wanted out of it. We reached the Renaissance Hotel at about 10pm. Even though I was dreadfully tired as I didn't nap much today, I was too eager to check out my new surroundings to sleep...

That night, I didn't want any milk because my gums hurt when I suck from the bottle. During the night, I woke up crying a few times. We all did not have a good night's sleep...

DAY 1 (31 July 2009):

I was quite good during the program. Most of the time, I sat quietly on Daddy's lap and also took a short nap during the morning session. However, I didn't have much appetite the whole day. I had my milk and some raspberries in the morning but after that, I didn't want any food or even water till night. Mommy was very worried. I didn't even want cheese which was my favourite and would spit it out. I would also spit out water as soon as I drank it. I couldn't tell her how my gums hurt. Another 4 molars are coming out. In the evening, I managed to eat a half a piece of bread which I liked having dipped into my milk...

That night, Mommy tried to offer me a 'Twiggies' which I accepted much to her relief as I was actually hungry and my gums weren't hurting as much at that time. When Mommy or Daddy weren't looking I left 'kisses' on the mirror. See my reflection and my 'kisses' in the photo below. Hehehe...

I only ate half the 'Twiggies'. My gums started to irritate me and again, we didn't have a good nite's sleep. Whenever I cried (almost every hour), I wanted Mommy to carry me and rock me back to sleep. My gums hurt so much that I didn't even want my pacifier but held on to it...

DAY 2 (1 August 2009):

I had my milk in the morning and that was it. Even the raspberries which I love didn't appeal to me today. They are really nice like little grapes, but my gums still hurt and I didn't know how to tell Mommy or Daddy. I just cried whenever I tried to eat or drink something...

So Daddy and Mommy took me to a nearest clinic. The doctor said I was teething and my gums are probably hurting or irritating me. I like the gel given by the doctor and when Mommy rubbed some on my gums, it tasted sweet too. However, I was still very scared to eat or drink. Daddy googled and Mommy tried some suggestions found. She offered me cold milo which I could happily drink half. (Maybe the Neurofen helped relieved a bit of pain). I also drank some iced barley when we went out for dinner with Po-po. After that, Mommy bought a small tub of vanilla ice-cream after a friend suggested it. I like it only after it has melted. But still, I didn't take much of it. The doctor gave some cough medicine to help me sleep. So I sleep a little better that night but still woke up once crying at about 4:30 am and wanted to play after that. I only went back to sleep at about 6 am...

DC DAY 3 (2 August 2009):

We almost couldn't wake up in the morning. We were all tired out due to lack of sleep, but somehow we managed to go for breakfast where I even took some porridge which I hadn't wanted for the past couple of mornings. Mommy was so pleased to see me eat something...

Even though I didn't understand the program, I enjoyed the singing and would even put my hands together obediently during the prayers and say 'Amen' at the end. We left for home right after the afternoon session for the final day ended.

1 comment:

ChloeRuoyi said...

She looks so lovely in those dresses. Pretty like a doll! :-)