Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Sweet/Funny Things I Say

Lately, I have been quite expressive...

Mommy, I love you... you are my best friend!

Mommy... *kiss* I think giving you a kiss is a good idea.... it makes you happy, am I right?

Sometimes, I would say the funniest things...

Mommy, can you hear the children playing basketball at the playground?  I can, because I have special ears! I can hear very far away...

Or, I would make up excuses/stories to escape certain requests/tasks or to get something.  This is nothing new really, been doing this ever since I was about 2...

Daddy: (Trying to encourage me to do well during my assessment week last month).  If you listen to your teachers in school and get many stars, I will take you for kiddie rides, okay?
Me: Daddy, no need many stars also you can take me for kiddie rides mah... (Touching my forehead) Mommy, you touch and see.  I think I 'faatt-siew' (have a fever) lah, so I cannot go to school tomorrow...

Something about TV...

I think I need to watch TV, then only I can finish my lunch...

My leg hurts... I need to sit down and watch TV, then I'll feel better...

I dunno what to do... I think watching TV is a good idea...

1 comment:

Mummy Gwen said...

Hi Leanne's mummy,

Thanks for dropping by. Are you staying in Puchong too? I've enrolled my daughter to Q-Dees (Pusat Bdr Puchong) for next year intake. She will be in K2 next year. We are currently based in Jakarta.

I'm not sure whether Q-Dees is good or not. But their syllabus seem ok...very complete.