Thursday, November 24, 2011

Backlogs & Labelling Notice

I have so many photos taken (to blog about) earlier this year that I haven't posted.  There are so many photos that I kinda lost track what they were about and which I have already blogged about...

Unlike previous years, it was easier to track, because any post in my blog would usually be posted at the date the pictures were taken. So I think I'll have to backlog and do the same for all those pictures taken this year (and previous years too!) from the latest to the earliest.

Therefore, there will be new posts at backdated days/weeks/months/years (again), if you wanna check them out.  They will be tagged with the label 'backlog'. This means I will also be trying to label all the existing posts because I haven't labelled any before this.  Still trying to keep up with new stories as they happen.  Hopefully I don't get lazy again!

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