Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Bully in Class?

There is a new boy in my class this month. Yesterday, he hit me very hard on the face and made me cry. He also hit the other children. Mommy was very upset to hear about this last night. So, this morning, she called the principal to highlight her concerns. Mommy wants to know if this actually happened and also asked that the teachers watch out for this boy. The principal said she will talk to the teachers...

Monday, July 18, 2011

First Time Using Chopsticks

Yesterday evening, we went to Sushi King for dinner. It's one of my favourite place and I love the noodles there. For the first time, Mommy let me try using the chopsticks. No harm letting me practise a little. Also, she didn't have to worry about cleaning up any mess I made...

Steady does it... Enjoying some soba noodles after having some rice...

Aaah-mmmm...... mustn't drop a single bit...

Another aaah-mmmm.... Okay, finish!

Next, cawamushi... delicious....

Last but not least, yakult! Yeay!!

Using the chopsticks trial went quite all right. I managed to finish the noodles and made only a little mess. I really enjoyed my dinner. Getting to do something new always make me happy. I also liked sitting on the high chair watching those sushi going round above the table on the moving belt...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chinese Word Scribblings & Art

Since the time I have been taught how to write certain Chinese words, sometimes I would practice writing those words at home. You can find the scribblings of these words amongst my drawings...

Do you see the Chinese words (circled in red) I wrote for 'tree', 'leaf', 'up' and 'down'?

More scribblings in Chinese... including the word for 'flower'...

Some work of 'art' besides scribblings...

More random work of 'art'...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Parents-Teacher Meeting

It's Saturday but I went to school with my parents this morning. They had an appointment with Teacher Jamie, who was the teacher-in-charge of my progress in school. Whilst they sat down to talk about my progress, I went upstairs with a friend to play at the music room...

My parents received the following folder...

What is it? It's my 2011 Mid-Year Learning Progress Summary Report...

Summary report of what? It's a summary report of all the assessment subject papers, which Mommy has already placed nicely in the clear pocket holder at home now (together with all the other schoolwork which I had brought home from school)...

2 of my assessment subject papers (Chinese and English) in the clear holder...

What were my subject papers? There were 8 papers: Bahasa (2), Chinese (2), English (1), Phonics & Vocabulary (1), Cultural Studies & Sensorial (1) and Mathematics (1).

Here are some examples of what's in the papers:

Easy and difficult ones, with a few wrongs here and there...

What did my teacher say I need to work on? My writing, especially the formation (which stroke should go first) of the small letters ('f' and 'g') and certain Chinese words...

What other notable comments (not in my summary report) did my teacher make?
1. I enjoyed the English subject most.
2. Even though I do not speak much Mandarin at home, I am making good progress in this subject. Also, I sometimes speak in Mandarin, copying what others, saying "jer ke mei mah?" (is this nice?) when showing my work to the teacher.
3. I pushed a boy off his chair because I didn't like him to sit with me. I wanted my teacher to sit with me.
4. I am very hyper-active during Music class. My teacher also noticed that I have good rhythmic sense and suggested that I should attend additional classes of Music and/or Art.
5. I am not as timid as I was during the first few months of school. I am, in fact, the loudest (and most probably the nosiest) in class now. (My parents were not surprised by this fact, as I am very loud at home and when in the car too)...
6. I always finish my assigned work quickly in school. (At home, I almost never finish what I start)...

Homemade Bear-bear Fish Paste

Last Wednesday, Mommy decided that she wanted to make her own fish balls or fish paste. So she mustered up some courage and asked a fish monger at the market about it. The fish recommended was called "kau yu" in Cantonese. It's a long black fish (sorry, forgot to take a photo of it). Mommy bought the smallest one there. It was nearly 1kg (don't remember the exact weight) and it cost RM18 (is the price reasonable?). He helped Mommy sliced it and Mommy went home and did the rest of the work (briefly described below)...

The fishy process: Mommy scraped the flesh off the skin of the fish with a spoon. Later, she mixed some salt with it and rolled them into balls with a little flour (is this how you do it?**). Feeling inspired and creative, she also made a couple of bear-head-shaped fish paste. The bones and the rest were also kept and used to boil the soup...

** No. According to the experts... Actually, no flour is necessary. Only some salt and water. Also, you should wet your hands before handling it. So that it's not so sticky. For better results, chop-chop-chop it on a board to mince it further. After mixing in some salt and water, throw it into a bowl, take it out, throw it back in and repeat until it is.. err... 'nice'. Then, you can start turning it into whatever shape you like.
You could try putting some in one hand, squeeze out a little (if u know what I mean), then use a spoon to scoop a small portion out to form a little ball. Hope my understanding is correct (and whoever is reading this can understand... haha).

See, my bear-head-shaped fish ball...

A closer look at the "bear-bear fish ball". Maybe Mommy can make it nicer next time by putting punched out seaweed eyes and a smile on it...

Fish ball meehoon soup with broccoli for my lunch yesterday...

What's left... Although, I couldn't finish it all, I enjoyed it very much...

Fish ball meehoon soup (again!) with baby spinach for dinner...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Little Pianist is Back!

Last week, Michelle-che-che came for her piano lessons and I was not in school that Monday morning because I had a cold. Since then, my interest in learning how to play the piano came back. So, Mommy taught me how to play a short music piece two days ago. Watch me play:

Take 1 ("Up and down" from the book 'Michael Aaron Piano Primer, especially designed for the early-age beginner'):

Take 2 (with mistakes):

Today, Mommy taught me another piece entitled "Marching" (from another book 'Leila Fletcher's Music Lessons Have Begun', also another book Mommy used when she was a little girl):

Did you notice I curved my fingers when playing (thumb on its side and other fingers on their tips)?...

Last year (playing CD, playing CB), my fingers were not so strong and steady. I was only two and a half years old then. Almost exactly one year later now, I think my fingers are ready. Maybe it's time Mommy took my piano lessons more seriously? We shall see...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Favourite Things

This week, every time I go to the toilet for a no.1, I want Mommy to go with me. She would sit on a stool next to me and we would talk about my favourite things (despite the obvious not-favourite smell). The conversation would go something like this...

Mommy: What is your favourite colour?
Me: Pink, Brown, Green, Red...
Mommy: Wah!?! I thought your favourite colour is purple?

Me: No, I like all colours. I lik
e rainbow colours...
Mommy: How many colours does a rainbow have?
Me: Seven.

Mommy: What are the 7 colours?
Me: Aaaah.... red, brown, green... dunno...

Mommy: What is your favourite toy?

Me: Lego.
Mommy: What is your favourite food?

Me: Vegetables... carrots, potatoes and broccoli...
Mommy: Are you sure? You don't like carrots.

Me: Yes, I like carrots. Rabbits like carrots too.

Mommy: What is your favourite animal?
Me: Zebra, giraffe, cat and dog. I like small cats and dogs... They are very cute!

Mommy: What's your favourite TV channel?
Me: Disney! (Playhouse Disney, later know as Disney Junior on Astro channel 613. Daddy just subscribed it for me)

Mommy: Who is your favourite teacher in school?
Me: Teacher Jamie and Teacher Chedy...

All this time spent talking about my favourite things helps me clear my bowels properly. Otherwise, I am usually rather impatient and sometimes even though I go to the toilet twice a day, I am not really 'done' yet and Mommy will start worrying again. So far so good...

My most recent favourite toy, the iPad2!

Daddy's new toy = MY TOY... (Daddy finally got it this week. It has been out of stock for a while)...

Homemade Ribena Ice-Pops

Mommy bought a small 'ice-pop' maker a few days ago...

1 packet of Ribena ngam-ngam makes 4 ice-pops...

Can't wait to try it... Mmm, it's so cold...

I like it! I want the one with the yellow handle next ok...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cards for Everyone

During the making of the cards for my teachers, I also made a number of cards for Mah-mah, Yeh-Yeh, Ku-Cheh, Kevin-gor-gor, Suk-suk and Sam-sam...

This is the first simple card I made for Mah-mah, to cheer her up, because she was in the hospital at that time (last week, for over a week). Poor Mah-mah, sayang ah... Please get well soon...

Inside the card, it reads "MAH-MAH I LOVE YOU", (including a couple of mistakes removed with liquid paper by Mommy)...

Mommy forgot to take a snapshot of the first cards I made for Yeh-yeh, Kevin-gor-gor and Ku-Cheh. Good thing she remembered to take snapshots of the following cards which I also made last week (what a busy week I had!)...

Finger and brush-painted flowers on the cards for Mah-mah and Ku-cheh. Mommy drew the hearts for me to colour. I did the rest myself, with her guidance...

Drawings and colourings on the cards for Yeh-yeh, Suk-suk and Sam-sam. In the 2nd card, the small teddy bear holding the hand of the bigger teddy bear (Sam-sam) is the new baby, my cousin brother who is arriving next month)...

Of course, a card for myself too! (which I insisted on making and immediately put on the fridge after I was done with it)...

Posing for a snapshot with my DIY cards before they were delivered by Mommy that morning whilst I was in school...

Next, I have to make cards for Mommy, Daddy, Poh-poh and Ah-Gung too...

Cards for My Teachers

After spending half a year in school, I have shown much progress both intellectually and socially. So it's time to express my thanks to my teachers for their hard work, patience, kindness and encouragement. I made 6 simple 'Thank you' cards. A card for each subject teacher:

Teacher Candice - Chinese
Teacher Chedy - Graded Reading (English) & Cultural Studies (Montessori)
Teacher Emy - Phonics (English)
Teacher Jamie - Bahasa Malaysia
Teacher Pinky - Art & Crafts
Teacher Stacy - Sensorial (Montessori) & Mathematics

Mommy had a number of ideas (some borrowed from my cousin's blog) and she couldn't make up her mind. Should I draw, paint or stick pictures? In the end, I did a bit of everything. I drew, painted, coloured my drawings and punched out teddy-bear-shapes for the cards. I enjoyed painting the most. It was a lot of work. The project took me about a week to complete!

Writing, then drawing some pictures and later, colouring them...

Finger-painting the flowers and the leaves and drawing the stems...

The semi-finished product...

Final touch by Mommy: Teacher's name on floral paper pasted at the center...

Inside the card: I wrote my name, coloured the heart next it and pasted teddy bears around the message 'Thank you' (pasted by Mommy) at the center...

6 completed cards for all my 6 class teachers...

6 little notebooks to go with the 6 little cards, besides the Cadbury chocolates (no photo)...