Saturday, October 24, 2009

Swimming @ KL Hilton

We visited my cousins Alyssa and Nathan at KL Hilton. Their parents have a room there for the night. I haven't seen them for quite some time since their last visit back from Melbourne early this year. Mommy has been telling me about them, so I have been anticipating this visit. As I didn't have my afternoon nap, I fell asleep in the car. When we arrived, they were already swimming in the pool. Although still a little sleepy, I quickly agreed to join them when Mommy asked if I wanted to...

Alyssa and I by the pool.

We had a splashing time...

Splash! Splash!

This was only my second time at a swimming pool. The first time was at the 'palace'. So, initially, I would just sit on the brink and not go into the water. Slowly, I tried walking around in the water...

Okay, steady... let's talk a walk in the pool...

After that, I also braved myself and sat in the water...

Look, Mommy! I am sitting in the water... It's so cooooold....

Hey, look at my toes emerging from under the water... Hehehe...

After a while, I also started crawling in it. I saw some girls doing this, so I decided to copy them. If you do not already know, I am a real copy cat!

Crawling in the water... This is fun!!

I was really enjoying myself that when it was time to leave, I had to be carried away kicking and screaming. Back at the hotel room, after a shower, I made myself comfy and jumped into the big bed...

Watching TV with Nathan...

I was quite a fussypot as usual or you can say I am a real 'kiasu'. This was quite apparent twice. First, I wouldn't let Nathan sit on the bed to watch TV. Second, when they ordered fish and chips, I wanted some too. I don't like or eat them before. But seeing them eat, I wanted or rather demanded for some chips too. I kept whining when Mommy wouldn't let me have any but Mei-yi-yi and yi-cheong were very kind and let me have as many helpings as I liked. Good thing I didn't eat that much but I nearly wanted to try the fish too. Daddy and Mommy felt so embarassed with my conduct. So David-yee-cheong said to them "Don't worry, just enjoy your kid".

Gifts from the family...

Thank you!!! I love the books. When I first saw the cockatoo, I exclaimed "Oooh... bird bird so cute er...!"

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