Sunday, September 6, 2009

Swimming at the Palace

Yesterday, I had my first swimming experience at the beautiful palace!!

Swimsuit, sunblock and floaters on. All ready to go swimming...

I was scared to go into the water at first. Mommy had to hold me real tight...

Then, Mommy tried dipping me in and out quickly and I started to enjoy being in the water. After that, I also started kicking in the water, splashing and having a good time...

Chloe jie-jie was there swimming with her daddy too.

My daddy didn't join us in the pool. So he was in charge of taking the photos and videos. Hehe...

We all had a great time at the pool!! When it was time to leave the palace this morning, I cried...


ChloeRuoyi said...

Glad that you enjoyed the stay as much as we did! We'll go again next time, ok!

Leanne Leong said...

:) OK!!