Monday, September 21, 2009


After playing with sand on the beach, Daddy and Mommy took me for a walk towards the sea...

It was low tide, so the sea was a bit far off. When we reached it and where it was ankle deep, Mommy let me down to walk in it...

At first I was a little hesitant to put my feet in the seawater. But as soon my feet touched seawater, I started to kick in it!

Kick! Kick! Splash! Splash!

Even when Mommy let both of my hands go, I was not really afraid and didn't really mind. She was more nervous than I was as I walked about on my own in the seawater. Oh, it was so fun!

As we walked back towards the beach, I continued to kick and splash in it. I really enjoyed making big splashes...

I had a lovely time at the beach and sea... We all did...

With Daddy, Mah-mah and Yeh-yeh...
(Suk-suk, jie-jie and her mum and nephew were there too).

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