Monday, August 31, 2009

Study Time!

Almost everyday (a few times a day), I will request Mommy to sit with me at my favourite corner (see picture below). I will say "Mommy, saa-dee... saa-dee... " Mommy is amazed that I am always so eager to 'study'...

That's me pointing at a picture of a motorcycle, saying "Mo-mo-sai-kel" and then Mommy has to correct me saying "Mo-TOR-cycle"... again...

No Eye See

Hi! I am not just writing... look closer...

I am always up to some mischief (e.g. footprints, make-up) when Mommy is not looking. See what I did when no eyes were watching me, I drew on my right leg...

and left leg too...

Yup, both legs! Again, Mommy was horrified to find me like this. She shook her head in disbelief and wondered where I got the pen from. Good thing the ink came off quite easily with a little soap and water...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Karaoke @ Home

It's been a long time since we last karaoke-d...

So when Daddy started to sing, I wanted to sing too!!

My New Favourite Spot

Previously, my favourite place is the little chair, the IKEA chair or the stairs. Nowadays, it is inside this footstool...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Playing the Guzheng

I developed a new interest in this chinese musical instrument called the 'Guzheng'. I was playing it at Po-po's house today and was very fascinated by it.

Then Po-po taught me to use a card to strike the strings for a better sound effect. Wow, I love the sound of it!!

Watch me play the guzheng!!

A New Day

Last night, I went to sleep in my 'new bed'...

So how well did I sleep? Did I made it through to the morning?...

...Yes, I did! See how soundly I was still sleeping when Mommy checked on me this morning, and I was still sleeping within the mattress, I didn't roll out of it... hehehe...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Pictures With My New Toys

The Cash Register...

The Storybook Rhymes...

A New Bed

Mommy decided that it is time I learn how to sleep on my own so that she does not have to carry me to my bed (the playpen) every time only after I have fallen asleep on the master bed. So she prepared a mattress on the floor next to the master bed for me. When I first saw my 'new bed', I exclaimed "Waaaaaah!!", jumped on it and quickly tried to settle in it...

I rolled about on it... and I placed my favourite buddies on it...

I think I like my 'new bed'!!


Hey, whose footprints are these?

Hehe... they are mine! See what I was doing earlier...

Mommy was horrified when she found me like this. She was only a couple of feet away brushing her teeth earlier. But strangely, she didn't scold me. She just firmly said "I know it is a lot of fun, but no no... See, the floor is dirty now... " and took the powder from me. Aiya...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Day With My Cousins

I went to See-Yee-Poh's house today. On the way, we picked cousin Chloe and Lily-yee-yee too. Little cousin ZW is so cute. He smiles and laughs a lot...

I like him and I think he likes me too. He would sometimes crawl towards me to play with me...

They have a very huge teddy bear. Can you see it in the picture below? It's bigger than me! I like bears. I also like my cheese sandwich which Mommy made for my lunch today and I ate it all, including one banana. Normally I am not such a good girl to finish one whole sandwich but today I was quite a good girl. I also didn't cry during our car ride to Bangsar (and back). However, I was not very cooperative when they wanted to take a group photo of the four of us little cousins...

I didn't really know how to play with my cousins. So I played on my own most of the time, exploring every toy there is...

After lunch, I started to get tired and cranky. So Mommy said it was time to go home. Cousin Chloe and Lily-yee-yee followed us back. Back home, cousin Chloe sayang me. But I turned my back on her. What a snob I was! Maybe I was still a little moody after being waken up from my nap in the car (excuses, excuses)...

Mommy took out a new toy for us. It was a cash register. She has been hiding it all this while?! Anyway, we had fun with it. It is quite an interesting toy. It has a real calculator. I can supposedly swipe a credit card, weigh things, talk through the microphone (it has a real speaker!), put the basket of fruits on the conveyor belt (which can actually move!), scan things, put money in the drawer and lock it...

Cousin Chloe is my hero for the day. She saved my phone from the woofer. When she took it out, she was really happy too and we quickly put it back where it was supposed to be... Yeay!!

At times, I was very curious about what she was doing and wanted to do the same...

What a nice day with my cousins today! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blanket or Book?

Yesterday evening, I was sitting next to Mommy and looking at the pictures in my book when I saw her take a small blanket (my favourite item to play 'cicak') to cover herself...

Me: "Bei!"
Mommy: Eh, so rude. No, sorry. I want to use it.
Me: "BEI!!"

Mommy reluctantly gave me the blanket and I quickly put it next to me. Then, I continued to look at the pictures in my book. Quietly, Mommy took the blanket back...

Me: Ei! Bei!
Mommy: I want to use it, please...
Me: BEI!!
Mommy: Mommy said 'please'...
Me: BEI!!!

Mommy: Say 'please'...
Me: Pis...

Shaking her head, Mommy gave me the blanket and again I quickly put it next to me and continued to look at the pictures in my book. Then again, Mommy quietly took the blanket back...

Me: EI!! BEI!
Mommy: Since you don't want to use it, let Mommy use it. Okay?
Me: "BEI!!"

So Mommy gave me the blanket and took my book. Then, whilst I was taking the book back, Mommy took the blanket back. So again, I reached for the blanket and Mommy reached for my book. Right after that, Mommy gave me back my book and took the blanket, saying "Book for Leanne, blanket for Mommy. Okay?".

I was a bit confused after the few exchanges. Okay, Mommy. You can have the blanket and I shall have the book la....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Amateur Camera-Girl

"Eh, what's this?", you may asked...

They are close-up shots of my finger and skin. Hahaha...

Mommy doesn't use the old camera much now. Sometimes she let me play with it, but the memory is always full. She did not delete the pictures for me to take new ones. So one day, when she was not looking, I took her new camera and snap a few shots with it...

What do you think? Creative or not? Hahaha...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzles

I have only 3 puzzles. I could complete my first puzzle when I was about 15 months old (picture below)...

Then, Mommy bought me two more puzzles last month. One of these puzzles looks easy, but I took some time before I would stop putting the pieces up-side-down (especially the piece with the picture of the car)...

As for the other puzzle, it is actually meant for ages 3 and up but I am not even 2 yet. However, I was eager for a more challenging puzzle. So, for the past 2 or 3 days, Mommy has been teaching me how to complete it.

I love this jigsaw puzzle! So I have been asking Mommy to teach or help me with this puzzle for the past few days... at least 5 times a day!

Slowly, I learnt how to complete the puzzle, but still need a little help with it sometimes...