Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Too Many Soft Toys

Today, Mommy decided to sort out my soft toys. She gathered and arranged all of them on the sofa upstairs.  She was surprised (or maybe not really that surprised) that I have an awful lot of soft toys!  Some were gifts from friends and relatives or simply old favourites of Mommy's or brought home from Mah-mah's place...

A big collection of soft toys!

More smaller soft toys found!

Mommy had a hard time making the initial decision before she finally asked me which toys I was willing to part with.  At first, I told her "No, they are all Leanne's. I want them all!".  But after a very short while, I made up my mind without hesitation.  It was not a difficult decision for me...

I want Pluto (my baby)...

I want this (donkey/doggy, a baby toy)...

and this (my kitty cat)...

and this (my Bobo, the Pooh).

Okay, this is all I want...

Bye! (And I went back downstairs with my chosen ones)

I chose only 4 of them (my baby Pluto, a doggy baby toy, my Kitty cat and Bobo, the pooh) out of the big collection within seconds and I quickly left without showing any sentiments for the other soft toys.  Later,  I realized I also wanted Pororro (a penguin) and Bear-bear (a light brown bear).

Mommy couldn't bear the thought of giving the rest away.  So, she took a long time deciding who could stay for now...

The ones that can stay.

The smaller ones shall stay in this drawer...

Some back on the shelves in my room
(all already washed and dried under the sun yesterday).

Mommy's old time favourites, waiting for a 'bath'.
Some hidden away.
The rest, to be given away.


ChloeRuoyi said...

That's really a lot! Wah, you "seh tak" give away so many? I only managed to donate just a few last year. Most of them have sentimental value... I just couldn't bear to give them away!

Leanne Leong said...

VERY VERY mm seh tak because I am quite sentimental too. Many of them have been with me for years, some more than 10 years! But it's time I let some of them go... they gather too much dust! No good for Leanne... :(