Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No More Tears in School

It has been nearly 2 months since I last blogged.  The last blog was about tears in school again.  So, I think I want to write about no more tears in school this time...

Last week starting Monday, there were unusually many cars around school.  Mommy couldn't find a spot to park nearby.  After 'pusing-pusing' (making turns) a few times around my school, she explained the situation and then asked me if she could just drop me off at the entrance and let one of the teachers take me inside.  To her surprise, I agreed. Well, her tone of voice was also rather 'garang' (fierce) that time. But I can be a reasonable girl, sometimes.  If I understand the situation, I would cooperate.

So that was the first time Mommy didn't have to park her car and walk me in. Since then, Mommy would just stop me in front of the school (after advanced notice and encouragement) and a teacher would come and open the car door for me.  I would then hop out cheerfully and walk in with the teacher. You should have seen the look on each teacher's face every morning.  They were very surprised and have been very generous with their praises.  Mommy and Daddy are really pleased with me too.

No more tears in school (so far so good-lah)...

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