Friday, June 17, 2011

Mr.Hush Puppies & Bad Bacteria

About 3 weeks ago (28 May 2011), my parents and I went shopping in Sunway to buy some gifts. That day, I was really thrilled (although a little scared) to meet Mr. Hush Puppies...

Mr.Hush Puppies is so big but cute!

After purchasing only 1 gift, Mommy wanted to go home already. But I pleaded with her for a kiddie ride. So, finally, with Daddy's permission, she let me go for one aeroplane ride and I was very happy...

I love airplanes!!

That same day, Mommy started to feel a little unwell. She felt cold and dizzy. She also started having headaches and body aches. Little did we know, she caught the 'bad bacteria' from me. So, we had to miss the Special Day Assembly the next day to take her to see a doctor. She had high fever like me the week before. I had to stay with Mah-mah for 4 days. Mommy spent a night at the hospital on Wednesday and regretted not staying another night since she felt better there than back home. Even though her fever has already subsided then, her body still ached a little and her sore throat became worse...

That week, Daddy also started to feel unwell. On Friday of the same week, both my parents went to the clinic together. Daddy had a bad sore throat and he also suffered very high fever and body aches. On Monday the following week, they went to see the doctor again. Daddy's sore throat was still very painful. Mommy's sore throat was better but she woke up that morning all puffed up. Water retention. The scales showed that she was suddenly 5kg heavier overnight! After that day, Mommy slowly recovered and eventually, Daddy was all better too...

What a strong and vicious bad bacteria! After that terrible bacteria infection, we have to take more yoghurt or probiotics as advised by a doctor earlier, because antibiotics kills the good bacteria too...

All of Mommy's medicines. I didn't have that many. For me, only paracetamol and antibiotics. For Daddy, some painkillers, panadol and 2 types of antibiotics...

1 comment:

ChloeRuoyi said...

Wah, 5kg heavier overnight?? Scary ler! Glad that you are all well now :)