Wednesday, August 4, 2010

33 Months Old

Today, I am 33 months old...

- I like to dress up my soft-toys and also play "doctor-doctor" and "mommy and baby".
- I suddenly grew a lot interest in jigsaw puzzles and in playing the piano. I can play the notes 'C' and 'D' with my 2 little fingers on my right hand and 'C' and 'B' with my left. I can also recognise the "rest" symbol.

- I don't mind playing by myself most of the day now. Sometimes I would happily do so and hum a song or two. But sometimes when I want a playmate (or Mommy or Daddy), I want his/her attention NOW!
- I am getting better in creating different tall buildings, cars or animals with Lego or building bricks.

- I am NO longer crazy about watching VCDs or DVDs (Barney, Pooh, Lady & the Tramp, Happy Feet, etc.) but I still like to watch them occassionally...
- I like to ask the same questions many times (even though I have heard the same answers many times already).
- I can trace most of the letters of the alphabet and colour quite well. I learnt and can write the letters I, O, A, H and ?...
- I am still very camera shy.
- I am still crazy about stickers.
- I like and eat more chicken and fish (or fishballs) now. My recent favourite food is toast and butter (lots of butter!).
- Finally, for the past few months I am no longer fearful of having my hair washed. I don't need Mommy to carry me on her lap and lean back to have my hair washed. I just sit on a little stool, tilt my head back and let the water run down my hair/head.

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