Monday, August 30, 2010

More Unexpected Thing I Said

Yesterday, we went to IOI mall to buy a new dress for me to wear to Suk-suk's wedding dinner. I met Mr.Hush Puppies. He was distributing balloons. That night, I asked Mommy...

Me: IOI geh doggie leh? (where is the IOI doggie?)
Mommy: fan jor ork kei. (he went home)
Me: Ngo oi stay at doggie's house... doggie so cute... (I want to stay at doggie's house. he's cute).
Mommy: Hahaha... But we don't know where doggie lives. Where is doggie's house?
Me: At Puteri Mart.
Mommy: HAHAHA!!!

A few days ago (whilst she was bathing me), Mah-mah asked me about what I did during my recent trip to PD. I told her about my swimming experience,"... tou fat jing sap jor (wet my hair)... JAAN HAI GIK SAM (heartache)!" She was so surprised by the words I used that she burst out laughing. So did Daddy and Mommy when they heard about it...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Translating Cantonese to English

This happened yesterday, whilst I was eating some cheese. This shows how i can switch between 2 languages, English and Cantonese (but still need to work a bit on my grammar)...

Me: Mommy, lei bao moh? Oi sek moh? (Are you full? Do you want to eat?)
Mommy: Ho bao jor, lei sek-lah. (I am full already. You go ahead and eat-lah). Thank you.
Me: Mommy, Daddy oi sek moh?
Mommy: Lei man Daddy-lah. (You ask Daddy-lah).
Me: Daddy!! Oi sek moh?
Daddy: Moi, thank you...
Me (telling Mommy): Daddy moi sek wor...
Mommy: Leanne, speak in English...
Me: Daddy, you want cheese or not?
Daddy: No, thank you...
Mommy: Leanne, say "Do you want some cheese?"
Me: Daddy, do you want cheese or not?!!
Daddy: No, thank you...
Me (telling Mommy): Daddy said don't want...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thoughtful on a Hot Day

Sometimes, I am a very thoughtful girl. See what Mommy caught me doing...

It's a hot day... let me fan you to sleep, Daddy...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beware of Sand Bugs

No, I didn't get bitten by sand bugs. Phew!!! Let's say it again 'PHEW'!! Why? Because they can be very, very, very itchy!

I have been hearing my parents complain about the itch since the day we returned from my 3rd trip to Port Dickson two days ago. Daddy has the most bites, on both feet and legs. He had to see the doctor. The doctor said that for some people, they will itch for weeks or months. He said he was bitten before and they itched for a year... Oh my!

Sand bug bites on Mommy's foot...

Sand bug bites on Daddy's leg...

2nd Hep A Jab

I went for an immunization jab today. It's the 2nd jab for Hepatitis A. As I am much older since the last jab, I remember and know it would hurt. But I was in cheerful spirit and playing with my 'baby', the rabbit... just before it was my turn to see Dr.Florence...

Just outside Dr. Florence's clinic in Columbia Asia Hospital, with my 'baby' rabbit...

I like the toys in Dr.Florence's clinic, especially the one with spinning teddy bears on a table-like thingy. You have to turn the key until the 'table' to start the music and the teddies will spin on top. Too bad Mommy dare not take photos in the clinic, else I could show you it looks like...

I cried during and after the jab. The stickers Dr.Florence gave me soon dried my tears. I like stickers...

Holding my rabbit (and stickers) tightly for some comfort after the jab...

My next immunisation jab is not for at least 3 years (DTP & Polio booster, MMR booster due when 6 or 7 years), as noted in my health record book...

Back home, I cried a lot... I kept complaining about the pain in my thigh where I was jabbed. But I did try to be cheerful...

Enjoying my banana and playing with my new stickers...

When I was not crying, Mommy took the photo below. She wanted a picture of my little toes shown like that because she thinks they are so cute...

See my little cute toes...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Four New Jigsaw Puzzles

Mommy bought me 4 jigsaw puzzles today. She hopes these will keep me busy when she is busy...

Puzzles from Tesco...

The 40-piece one is quite difficult for me. The 9-piece one is the easiest...

Blowing Bubbles

How to blow ah? Like this? Like this??

It's my first time playing with this... Mommy bought it from Tesco. Cheap one, only RM1.90...

Puuu... puu... blowing bubbles....

My First Happy Meal

Mommy bought me my first Happy Meal from McDonald's today...

I liked the Ribena drink...


I liked the fries...

Chomp... chomp...

But I didn't like the chicken nuggets...

"I don't like..."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Baby Sarong

Because I love playing baby sleeping in a sarong, Mah-mah made me a portable one...

"Pok-pok... oi-oi ah..." Patting my baby in the sarong to sleep...

Port Dickson - My 3rd Trip

It was my 3rd trip to Port Dickson. Yeay! I loved the sea, sand, sun and fun!

We took photos using Mommy or Daddy's handphone because the Nikon camera suddenly had some 'lens error' problem. (Sigh! Nikon camera failed us again a second time! And again, unfortunately, it is just after the 1 year warranty...)

Good thing we had our phones to capture memories of our time spent here...

DAY 1 (yesterday)
After checking in... I couldn't wait to jump on the bed or sleep in it!

"I like this bed!! I want to sleep now..."

After a short rest, we had our lunch at the usual place in town. We also took pictures at the same spot as on our 2nd trip here...

"Very sai lah..." It was very sunny...

When we came back from town, we walked around the hotel briefly...

Standing 'senget' and posing for a photo or two...

Then, it was swimming time! It's one of my favourite activities...

Watch me splash and kick in the water!

After swimming, we took a short walk around the man-made lagoon...

Aiyo... very windy...

Next, I went digging into the sand and making sandcastles. I was quite a fussy sandcastle builder, I didn't like having sand on me or on my swimsuit...

After a 2nd dip in the pool and shower, I watched the sunset with my Bobo...

Aaah... so relaxing...

Feeding my baby Bobo before going for dinner...

Later, we went out for dinner. Mommy remembered a place she used to go many, many years ago... That place still exists and the food was really good...

A delicious meal at a corner house somewhere near town...

Back at the Corus Paradise hotel, I played with Mommy and enjoyed some quiet time with Daddy before I finally retired to bed... totally tired out...


DAY 2 (today)
After breakfast, we jalan-jalan and took a few more photos before going home...

Smiling.... and reminiscing...