Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Crocodile Tears

Sometimes I would shed crocodile tears to get my way but most of the time, Mommy's "No" means "No"...

Making sobbing sounds...

Closing my eyes and pretending to cry...

Rubbing my eyes...

Brown Rice and Tuna

I haven't had brown rice in a long time. Today, Mommy decided to cook some for me, served with tuna in tomato sauce. When I first tasted it, I told Mommy "Hmmm, good!" but I didn't finish it. (I usually don't finish newly introduced food unless I really, really, really like it). Mommy was disappointed yet again...

Teddies in a Row (Again)

Although I don't do this everyday as I did previously, I still love to arrange my bears in a row and sit with them...

Arranging my bears...

Sitting with my bears...

Taking another pose with my bears...

Fun with a Container

Mommy emptied a big container of old clothes to put my toys in. You see, I have too many toys and insufficient storage to keep them. But then, a container equals another toy for me. What fun I had with it!

Only best friends allowed in my container okay! Hehe...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Take 5)

Yes, another attempt by Mommy to record my singing of the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". In the last attempt, my singing was incomplete because Mommy missed the first line I sang. Also, what's different in this video from the last one is I gestured how the stars twinkle and the shape of a diamond with my fingers...

Leanne's Tower

This is my new found interest. I like to stack things up...

Look at my tower of tupperwares! Hahaha...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Gathering at Koi

We had a gathering by the pool at the Koi apartments today...

I spent most of my time running around there (and 'commanding' Yu-joe koh-koh to come play with me). Hehe...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Take 2, 3, 4..)

Previously, I can only sing the first line. Now I can sing the whole song but it is not easy to capture a video of me singing it properly. Whenever Mommy reached for the camera, I would stop singing or I would be up to some mischief as you will see in this video...

The best she could capture for the day is in this video below. But she missed capturing the first line I sang. Well, I suppose Mommy will have to try again another day when I am more ooperative...

Kisses for Daddy

I was asked to sing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" but I decided to surprise Daddy with a kiss, twice! :)

Baby Twinkle

Mah-mah bought me my first doll. I named her "Baby Twinkle". Watch my initial reactions...

I was delighted and afraid of it at the same time. I went to sit on Mommy's lap and watched it moved and sang when it was turned on. I wouldn't even let my feet touch the floor worried that it would crawl toward me. But after a while, I couldn't have enough of it...

I played with it all evening and almost drove Daddy and Mommy crazy with her non-stop loud singing... hehe...

Baby Twinkle is so pretty and cute. Thank you, Mah-mah...

The 10th Day of 'Freedom'

Today marks the 10th day I have gone without my pacifier. This was not planned at first. Mommy couldn't find my chuit-chuit so I went to bed on Monday night last week without it. The next day, when I asked Mommy for it, she told me to find it myself or she would say that it is "no more"

Nights and days passed, now I think I have gotten used to being without it. I am free! Yeay!!

The Scar

I had a fall and hit my head a few days ago. See, the scar...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dirty Noodles & A King Bun

On our way back to KL from the seaside, we stopped at a small town to eat the seemingly famous so-called 'dirty mee'. The noodles looked quite ordinary but tasted quite good and the soup of seafood was very tasty.

The place was rather humid but we all enjoyed our meal. Mah-mah shared some of her noodles with me and I walloped it all, drinking up all the soup there was too... :)

Then, after lunch, Daddy went to buy the infamous king bun just round the corner. We were all curious about how the chicken curry was contained in this huge bun. When we finally reached KL, we opened it and found out. It was wrapped in aluminium foil and a plastic bag. Oooh, that's how they do it eh... hmm... ceeeh... But the chicken curry was quite delicious, according to Mommy... since I was not allowed to eat it... too bad.

Sunset & Fall

Here's me eating some biscuits, watching the sunset yesterday evening with my baby Bobo... before I clumsily fell and knocked my head against the curb...

I had a minor cut on my head but it was bleeding quite a bit. It didn't totally stop bleeding until a few hours later. Everyone was worried and Mommy wouldn't leave my side, except when she had to go for dinner. When the bleeding finally seemed to have stopped, she was so relieved...

I cried and cried until I fell asleep as I was also very tired out from the day's activities. But I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted some milk. Then, I wanted to play with the beach set. So Mommy played with me a while before I finally went back to sleep...

Monday, September 21, 2009


After playing with sand on the beach, Daddy and Mommy took me for a walk towards the sea...

It was low tide, so the sea was a bit far off. When we reached it and where it was ankle deep, Mommy let me down to walk in it...

At first I was a little hesitant to put my feet in the seawater. But as soon my feet touched seawater, I started to kick in it!

Kick! Kick! Splash! Splash!

Even when Mommy let both of my hands go, I was not really afraid and didn't really mind. She was more nervous than I was as I walked about on my own in the seawater. Oh, it was so fun!

As we walked back towards the beach, I continued to kick and splash in it. I really enjoyed making big splashes...

I had a lovely time at the beach and sea... We all did...

With Daddy, Mah-mah and Yeh-yeh...
(Suk-suk, jie-jie and her mum and nephew were there too).


After a few terrible traffic jams along the highway, we finally reached our destination nearly 3 hours later. We stayed at a 3-room apartment by the seaside. This was my first time seeing sand and sea!

Busy playing with my beach set in preparation for the real thing...

It was a bit cloudy in the afternoon and it looked like it was going to rain. So Daddy and Mommy quickly took me down to the beach...

First time standing on the beach... (it was low tide at that time)...

First time playing with sand...

Busy having fun...

Look at all the sand castles Mommy helped built with me...

I was totally occupied with digging and scooping sand for about an hour or so, almost oblivious to my surroundings. Daddy and Mommy were really glad that I was not afraid of playing on the beach for the first time...

I was also curious about having my foot buried under the sand but didn't like it when my foot started to 'disappear'. I saw a few kites flying in the sky and really liked them...