Monday, January 3, 2011

First Day of School (Kindy)

The day didn't start off very well, but it ended quite alright. Below are the selected photos (out of the hundred something Mommy took!) which will help to tell the story (a long-winded one) of my first day of 'school'...

Ready for school... and having mixed feelings about going to school...

Mommy didn't wake me up in the morning. I woke her up. No, it wasn't because I was excited to go to school. It was because I had a stomach upset. I told her I wanted to mm-mm but I let go gas only... and a lot of it! Mommy was worried but I seemed fine. So, I had my usual bottle of milk and after a quick shower, it was time to put on my uniform. I simply refused to wear it. Mommy had to force it on me and I continued to cry very loudly. Actually, I looked very pitiful crying in my oversized uniform. So, in the end, I got to wear my favourite dress (with pockets!). Well, the principal did mention that it's okay if I didn't want to wear my uniform on the first day but I have to keep it in my bag which I am to bring along together with my water tumbler...

Walking to school (from the car)...

The school isn't far from our home. It's probably a 15-minutes walk, but we just drove there. As there were two other 'schools' there, we had to park a little further away and walked the rest of the way...

Finally reaching my school, 'Little Nobel' which is the 3rd 'school' along the same road...

I think I was starting to feel anxious when I saw Kiyo and her mommy, and quickly relaxed a bit. My class (year 4) is upstairs but her class (year 3) is downstairs. 'Circle time' had already started when we went upstairs. I could not be persuaded to join the group of children listening to a story being told by teacher Chedy, followed by a singing session by teacher Pinky. One boy tried to help. He came and held my hand a little too tightly that I got frightened and cried. Soon after, we shook hands only and I stuck to Daddy at the back of the room...

Shy during 'circle time'... I want to sit with Daddy or Mommy only...

Just a little after 9am, names were called out and all of us were divided into our individual classes. My class is in 'Room 2'. There were only 6 of us, I think we are the smallest group. Maximum per class is 12, so there were 2 tables with 6 chairs at each table. At first, I didn't want to sit at the same table with the other children. But Daddy whispered a 'secret' in my ear and I almost immediately went to sit with them. The secret was, that table is nearer to the small colourful house structure which was against one corner of the wall. I was already quite attracted to that house when we entered the room...

Teacher Pinky was quite fun. I kept turning back to look at Mommy and smile. Daddy was just outside the class with other parents looking in, smiling too. Pretty soon, I was enjoying myself so much that I didn't mind when Mommy left and joined Daddy outside the room...

Starting to enjoy school very much...

Pretty soon, I was even comfortable enough to participate and answer the teacher's questions. Daddy and Mommy kept gesturing 'good' from outside the room, showing me the thumbs up sign. I was very happy...

Having fun whilst Daddy or Mommy ocassionally took a closer look...

Watch out for these videos in the future blogs...
Video 1: 'I like to eat apple'... the colour is 'red'... the door is red (pointing to the colourful house)...
Video 2: The ant is this small (describing how small it is with my fingers)...

With Teacher Jamie just before breaktime...

Teacher explaining the rule to us: Must put our hands on our lap before we are served... (We had sandwiches and a soyabean drink, which I quickly 'sapu habis' only after Mommy persuaded me but refused a second helping)...

I very obediently put my plate and cup in the container when instructed by my teacher...

I also very obediently finished half of the water in my water tumble...

Obediently listening to and following teacher's instructions before playtime: sit outside the carpet, show hands then put them behind me...

Happily playing before the door was finally closed by the principal (because one of the boys is always running out)...

Managed to show Mommy my invention when the door was opened briefly... and before storytime...

My room... for class Blue1. All doors closed...

Having nothing much to do after the door was closed, Daddy went to buy newspapers and Mommy later sat on a bench at the entrance of the school chatting with other mommies, including Auntie Maggie. The little Indian boy cried very loudly when his mommy left just after the door was closed. Mommy saw me trying to comfort him by putting my hand on his back and saying "afterwards your mommy will come... don't cry ah..." Mommy was very proud to see me do that and quickly text Daddy about it...

Class was dismissed at about 12:15pm. By then, I was very 'kap' (needed to go shh-shh badly, because I drank so much water) but I was too shy to tell the teacher. So I started crying for Mommy. When I was finally led downstairs to meet Mommy, I cried even louder. Mommy didn't understand why I was crying at first and was a bit worried. Then, she found out that I wanted to go to the toilet. After finally answering nature's call, I was happy again. Daddy and Mommy are very pleased and proud of me for doing so reasonably well on my first day of school today...


ChloeRuoyi said...

Bravo! You are such a little darling, Leanne. You have made your daddy and mummy very, very proud! Lily yi-yi is very proud of you too :)

Leanne Leong said...

Thank you Lily yi-yi... :)