Tuesday, January 4, 2011

38 Months Old

Just a short report about me at 38 months old today...

1. My favourite questions nowadays are "Are you happy?" and "What is the time?". Mommy taught me to look at the short hand only, to tell the time. But I get confused when it is between two numbers...

2. Mommy or Daddy still need to 'camp' beside my bed in my room. I don't want to sleep alone, although intially when the room was ready (but the air-cond was not installed yet), I actually shoo-ed my parents out of my room...

3. I really like building what I call 'houses' or 'buildings' using blocks, pillows, etc.

4. I like spelling but I like to ask Mommy to spell, not me. Sometimes I just repeat after her. Often, whislt we are sitting in the garden, I would ask: Mommy, how to spell 'tree'? t-r-e-e, tree!.... How to spell 'flower'? f-l-o, w-e-r, flower!... How to spell... ah.... Barney? b-a-r, n-e-y, Barney!...
Leanne, how to spell your name? Dun wanna spell! Leanne, spell la... spell your name... l-e-a, n-n-e... Good!
Just a couple of months ago, when Mommy ask me to spell my name, I spelled b-a-r-n-e-y... Haha... Auntie Janis laughed too (we were on our way to the ministry)...

5. I like to hold and eat chicken drumsticks (especially Mah-mah's delicious chicken drumsticks)!
6. My other recent favourite food is fish cakes...

7. My all time favourite is anything cold, such as ice-cream, yoghurt, vitagen, cheese...

8. I seldom use the potty now. I would go to the toilet myself. "I don't need Mommy!" I would close and even lock the door, then climb up the toilet, shh-shh, tissue wipe and wash my hands with soap. Only if I mm-mm, I would unlock the door and let Mommy in...

9. I am progressing well in my reading.
- Peter and Jane series: I am doing book 2a now. I can read books 1a and 1b without much problem. But I didn't do 1c because I don't know how to write very well yet. With the recent holidays and others, I have fallen out of the routine of reading during breakfast now. So Mommy will probably need to reset that routine again this year...
- Bedtime stories: I surprised my parents by reading the 1st paragraph of my favourite story "Poorly Bear" from the '365 Stories and Rhymes for Girls, A story a Day' book (the pink book). It reads: Teddy Bear came home from school feeling tired and poorly. "I don't want my hot chocolate," he told Mummy Bear. Teddy Bear sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. "And I don't want to watch television either," he said. I dunno/forget the words in red. All the other words I can read (but Mommy is wondering if I only memorised them?)...

10. Bedtime stories from the pink or yellow book (My Book of Bible stories) or usually both, is a must every night . Usually Daddy has to read to me or else! After that, he must pat me to sleep...

11. I like watching videos or looking at pictures in Daddy's mobile phone. Almost everyday, very kacau one!

12. For several months now, I like to wear my pajamas all day, even after my shower/bath. I would tell Mommy "I want to wear cheong sam and cheong fu" and I insist!

13. I don't mind wearing panties now. I would say "My tai fu like Mommy's but mine got bear-bear one, Mommy's tai fu got no bear-bear..."

14. For the first time, I showed that I am alright without Mommy when David-yi-cheong babysat me and my cousins whilst our mommies went window shopping in Mid-valley recently...

15. I started pre-school yesterday and like it!

1 comment:

ChloeRuoyi said...

Pandainya... Can spell and read very well! Oh, can tell the time too. Chloe only knows the xx o'clock and anything in between, the minutes, she's not interested to learn yet haha.