Saturday, November 26, 2011

Barney is in KL!

Whilst having breakfast today, Mommy read in 'The Star' newspaper that Barney is in KL and there are 3 shows at the KL Convention Center today.  Actually, we read about it a few weeks back but totally forgot about it.  When asked if I'd like to go, I cried and said 'no'.  I misunderstood Mommy when she told me that Barney was performing on stage in KL.  I thought she asked me to go on stage with him (I just performed on stage yesterday for my school's Family Day).  Mommy managed to clarify the matter with me and I was super excited after that.  I kept singing my own made-up song, "I'm going to KLCC... I'm going to see Barney!"...

The Twin Towers
(Photo taken on our way to KLCC)

I was singing and talking non-stop in the car.  I was super duper excited about 'meeting' the 'real' Barney... We had already booked our seats online before leaving home and collected the tickets at the box office when we arrived at KLCC...

Lazing around whilst waiting for Daddy to pick up the tickets at the Box Office...

At the Box Office...
One of our tickets...

Since it was still about 2 hours before the 3pm show started, we went shopping...

Inside the tunnel leading to the KLCC shopping center...

After shopping, we rushed to the Plenary Hall at the KL convention center.  We were not late.  We had ample time to take photos before settling down at our seats...

Siting at the edge of the stage, with toy Barney and space rocket at the background...

With Daddy...

With Mommy...

The view from our seats
(The view was just perfect.  Not too near, not too far.
We made the right choice!)

Happy & Excited!

The view from the stage...
(Notice the upper deck? We were seated just below it)

When it was almost 3pm, people were still arriving.  So punctual ah?  Good thing the show didn't delay too long because of them.  The show started at approximately 3:15pm.  The lights went out and Barney came on!

Look! It's Barney!!

The Barney's Space Adventures show has begun!

Barney singing and dancing...

BJ, Baby Bop and friends dancing with Barney...

Ain't Riff cute?!

Barney going for a space adventure...

Arrived at the Purple Planet...

During breaktime, Daddy bought me this! Thank you, Daddy!!
It spins and lights up!  I love it!

Barney and friends are back!

The King and Queen of the Purple Planet...

BJ looked so cool playing the electric guitar...

Almost time to say 'goodbye'...

Almost the end of the show...

The camera ran out of memory and battery before the show ended.  So, the finale, the famous "I Love You" song and his big kiss was captured using Mommy's handphone.  Hence, the video is not very clear. Nevertheless, here it is:

Friday, November 25, 2011

After Family Day Photos @ Home

Mommy, take a photo of this on my nose!
Take again... take again...
(My reward for performing on Family Day:
5 Kinder JOYs
3 from Daddy and 2 from Mommy

Smiling and posing for Mommy

Mommy asked me to say 'cheese' and to act happy

Posing for Mommy's un-ending requests

Heehee... haha... I love my 'coca dots' (polka dots) dress!

Tadaah! No cardigan!

Is this a pretty dress?

Last photo, okay? I want to go in and enjoy my Kinder Joy now..

After Family Day Photos @ Summit

Unable to get over the fact that she accidentally deleted all the photos taken in the morning, Mommy took many photos after the Family Day event, to make up for it...

With Mah-mah, Mommy and Daddy.
(Mommy went to get me from backstage just before Family Day ended)

Waiting to go home.
(Many parents and children gathered at the stage to take photos)
A tired and hungry girl...
With Mommy
With Daddy
With Mah-mah
With some of my nicest teachers
(T.Chedy, T.Emy, Mommy and me, T.Pinky, T.Sophia, T.Candice, T.Stacy and T.Jenny)
Finally leaving the auditorium for lunch...
Checking out my goodies bag during lunchtime...
A quick chocolaty bite (one of the goodies)

Very hungry!
The other goodies from the bag (from school)...

At the car park whilst waiting for Daddy
to pay for the parking ticket

Family Day

At last, the day we have all been waiting for has arrived.  It is my school's Family Day today!  I didn't wear the dress as planned yesterday.  My parents didn't quite like it when I put it on.  It was a bit too big and I looked weird.  Just when they gave up trying (because I burst out crying very loudly), I agreed to wear the polka dot dress they selected for me.  It was sleeveless, but I was glad that I could wear it with a small cardigan over it...

After I was all dressed up, Mommy happily took a number of photos.  Unfortunately, she accidentally DELETED ALL of them later!

I was dropped off at school at about 8am.  I went to the Summit auditorium with my teachers and other children by bus.  Our parents were to be at the venue before 10am.  My parents 'collected' me only at the end of the event at about 12pm...

The auditorium in Summit

The first few performances (by the 5 year olds)
(Hawaii Dance, Fan Dance, Percussion, Modern Indian Dance)
More dance performances and a drama

There were a total of 12 performances before the certificate presentation (for the 6 year old 'graduatees') and a finale.  I was in the 2nd last performance, a 'Costume Party'...

Malay, Indian, Kadazan, Irish costume dances

Initially, I was selected to do the Indian dance. Actually I liked the Irish dance, the music is so catchy.  Many times, I would sing the tune and dance to it at home.  But my teachers decided that I should be in the Chinese costume dance...

My parents were trying to coordinate their efforts to capture both video and photos during my performance. The camera for video and the handphone for photos.  Sadly, all the photos taken using the handphone were all blurry.  These are the only photos (taken using the camera) we have that were not blurry...

In a red cheongsam and my hair tied up like 2 little 'bunny-tails'...
(on the far left)

I swung my scarf rhythmically quite well...
(in front of the tallest boy in white)

At the end of the 'Costume Party' performance...
(at the back, in 'run' mode already after all the jumping)

The video:

A few of the blurry photos:

My parents and Mah-mah who also came to see me perform, were very proud of me.  They had been very anxious that I would 'chicken' out at the last minute.  After much encouragement from my teachers and parents, I gained confidence and actually had fun.  I was not so cooperative at the beginning.  I was shy and refused to follow instructions.  But in the end, I made them all so proud...