Saturday, September 4, 2010

34 Months Old

Hello there! Today, I am 34 months old...

I am still a rather shy person, but I can be quite cheeky sometimes...

Interesting/notable developments (since 33 months):

1. I give Mommy a kiss almost every morning when I wake up.

2. I love to sing 'Yankee Doodle' and 'Old Macdonald'.

3. New letters/numbers I can write are: 'U', 'T', 'F', 'E' and the number '2'.

4. I still love jigsaw puzzles and play the piano.

5. I learnt to read many words. The first few words I learnt were 'home' and 'sweet' because Mommy has been browsing through the HSH magazines every night (thinking of ideas for my new room), then the words 'mummy', 'daddy', 'Leanne' and so on. Mommy started teaching me how to read words about 2 weeks ago. I make good progress at each reading session...

6. As for drawing, I can do abstract art. Haha... Seriously, I can draw chillies, apples, oranges and the sun and sometimes the moon. See a sample here.

7. I like colouring. Strangely, I colour better when the picture/space to colour is smaller. I get impatient with big pictures with bigger space to colour (if you know what I mean), and I would colour them very quickly to get it done quickly, thus always going 'out the line'. I also like to start colouring another picture before I am done with one...

8. I am already daytime potty trained for a long time (since about 25 months old) but Mommy has been afraid of 'accidents'. So she used to make me wear one when we go out but I don't like it anymore. So I get to go diaper free when we go out (for breakfast/lunch, shopping) and even when we go on longer trips to Seremban, Klang and PD now.

9. Also, (just for the record as I forgot to mention this earlier) when at home, I don't always call for Mommy when I want to shh-shh (pee-pee). I can remove my own pants myself, sit on the potty, then dap dry with a tissue and put my pants back on when I am done. I will only call for Mommy after I mm-mm (poo-poo). I am still not tall enough to get up and sit on the toilet by myself. So, I still use the potty. But sometimes I call Mommy to help me up the toilet to mm-mm...

10. I am not so afraid of having my hair washed now. Once, I even volunteered to take a shower myself, pouring water over my head...

11. I had my 2nd Hep A jab recently...

12. I don't like shaking hands with people. Some time in June, I would shake hands with almost everyone, then suddenly now I am so shy (or stubborn)...

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