Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Architect Wannabe

I build houses and buildings almost everyday. I build houses/buildings for myself, my soft toys or just for show...

A house with many rooms for my babies... and a miniature building structure with 2 tall towers...

My favourite kind of house is built with many doors (pillows)...

A house for me built with many 'doors'... to eat yoghurt inside...

When I am tired of building things, I would just relax and watch some videos. The picture below was taken by Mommy simply because she thinks my behind is very cute and round when I stand like this. Hmm...

What shall I build after this? Hmm...

Monday, September 27, 2010

What Baby Whale Said

I have been watching the VCD WordWorld's 'Castles in the Sea'. Mommy was quite surprised that I actually listen to what was said and learned a few words/sentences from it. For example, I learned to say "Please to meet you...". Mommy was quite surprised...

Baby whale said 'Please to meet you...'

Mommy's Pot of Gold

This is my favourite soup. It's usually called 'ABC soup' but Mommy calls it her pot of gold.

Mommy's pot of gold in the making...

There are at least 5 ingredients in them: Pork/Chicken, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, garlic, cabbage...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Good Old Baby Snoopy

I have a soft toy which is very, very old. It is older than Mommy, because it was given to her before she was even born. Baby Snoopy is from her grandaunt in Maryland, USA. Her mommy brought it back for her after a trip there a long time ago...

Feeding my good old baby Snoopy...

Any soft toy can be my 'baby'. I will make milk in the bottle for her, undress her (but dunno how to dress her, so Mommy helps me), bathe her, sing to her, pat her to sleep in a sarong, sleep with her, cook for her, feed her, take her for a walk, etc. I can do this everyday and not get bored. I just love playing the role of a mommy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Little Backpacks

"Like Dora's backpacks hor..."

Mommy has been eye-ing these cute little backpacks in Giant for some time. Today, she found them on promotion 'buy 1, free 1' and bought them!

Barney backpack!!

Minnie Mouse backpack!!

I Want to Drive!

Rabbit and I want to go out for a drive. I like pretending I can drive...

Release handbrake...

Hands steady on the steering wheel...

Safety belts on... and ready to go...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Suk-suk's Wedding Day

It's Suk-suk's big day today. But it is also my moodiest day, because I still have a very painful mouth ulcer!

In the morning, after dressing up, I was in my best mood. I was smiling for Mommy's camera and making cute poses...

Do you like this pose?

Suddenly, when it was time to leave for Mah-mah's house, I became grumpy and didn't want to smile for the camera...

I don't want my picture taken!!

At Mah-mah's house, my mood was better. I started running around with Ah-Chun and was very mischievous...

Being cheeky...

Later, it was a mad rush getting ready to go for the wedding reception dinner, because Mommy had to have her hair set and make-up done earlier. So vain hor! Back home, I really gave her a hard time, refusing to wear my dress, shoes and all...

At night, my mood was the worst! I cried a lot. I wanted to be carried all the time. I also wanted to carry my bolster with me everywhere (shame, shame hor!). I didn't eat much dinner (my mouth ulcer hurt very much). I only had a little soup. The only thing I would eat without fuss is cheese and I ate a lot of cheese today... about 4 or 5 pieces!

I really fussed a lot. I disliked the crowd. I disliked having my photos taken. I disliked the loud music. The list goes on... Daddy and Mommy tried their best to be patient with me, understanding that I was tired and had a mouth ulcer, so probably quite hungry too. They also wanted to have a nice photos of us together, but I was uncooperative, as you can see...

With Daddy...

With Mommy...

Daddy and Mommy with the lovely newly weds, Sam-sam and Suk-suk... (you can't see me, but I was actually standing in front of Mommy with my face buried in her cheongsam)...

It was a beautiful wedding day, but I was at my ugliest behavior (please forgive me). What a day!

Friday, September 17, 2010

My Routine @ Giant

We usually go in the afternoon, after my lunch. The order of activities in Giant is as follows:

1. Kiddies rides

Sitting in one of the kiddie rides...

2. Slides

Getting ready to slide down...

3. Ride a bicycle
or a tricycle or something with wheels (I always put it back properly after that)...

4. Take along a bear from the soft toy section (I always put it back properly before we leave)...

Bear-bear 'driving' me...

Taking bear-bear for a ride...

5. Try out any other new rides/toys (e.g. the new rocking horse)...

On a rocking horse with bear-bear...

When we get home, sometimes I want a snack or a bottle of milk...

Bread with cheese... would you like some?

I am sometimes quite bananas about bananas. I can eat two or three big ones...

Cut bananas...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fun and Kiddie Rides @ Ikano

Today, we went to Ikano. As usual, I didn't give my parents any peace. I wanted to play at the playground or go on those kiddie rides eternally!

At the indoor playground... Wheeeee, love the slide!

Kiddie rides! Yeay!

Handling me can be absolutely tiring. So, they decided to have a break and ordered ice-cream and fruits on crepe at one of the restaurants in Ikano (forgot the name). It was good!

After that, we spent some time in a bookstore and Mommy bought me these books:

My new books...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just Two Videos (Singing)

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep:

London Bridge:

New Jigsaw Puzzles

Ku-cheh bought me jigsaw puzzles! Thank you, Ku-cheh!!

I like it!

Wanna come play with me?

Quietly playing with my new jigsaw puzzles...

Shaking Hands with Mr. Lion @ Sunway

I met an Eyptian lion at Sunway today. We shook hands and he gave me a little pyramid shaped dodol...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just A Few Videos (Singing)


Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star:

Mary had a Little Lamb:

Barney's I Love You song:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Love ABC soup

I love ABC soup. Today, I had THREE helpings of it even though I already had my lunch...

Enjoying my soup on the patio...

My lunch (baked fish and rice in ABC soup)...