Friday, July 9, 2010

Why, Why (Part 1)

For the past couple of months or earlier, I love asking questions: Why this, why that, what is this, what is that, what are you doing, where are you going, etc.

Let me share with you a recent question and answer session I had with Mommy...

Leanne: Mommy, jo meh (why) lock car in Giant?
Mommy: Because moi (don't want) people take the car away...
Leanne: Jo meh moi (why don't want) people take the car away?
Mommy: If our car is taken away, then we cannot drive out to go gai-gai loh...
Leanne: Walk walk lah...
Mommy: It's too far to walk...
Leanne: Oh...

(after 5 minutes)

Leanne: Jo meh lock the car?
Mommy: Because we don't want anyone to take the car away...
Leanne: Jo meh mm tak?
Mommy: Because the car belongs to Daddy...
Leanne: Oh, the car is for Daddy, Mommy and Leanne ah? Other people cannot take?
Mommy: Yes, that's right...
Leanne: Oh...

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