Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stares and Scares

I am a funny girl. I am scared of the sillest things and stares actually scares me...

Scene 1: Shopping for fruits at Jusco last Thursday

A lady was watching me and smiled at me. I quickly hide behind Mommy's legs. The lady continued to look at me. So I screamed crying "Moi.. moi.." (Don't want.. don't want). Then, burst into tears and was very scared...

Scene 2: Playing at See-yee-poh's house...

There was a slide in the middle of the living room. I wanted to play on it. But I wanted Mommy next to me all the time. Then, there was a photo session with all my little cousins. I am so scared to sit with them for a snapshot. The worst was when it was time to go home. I was scared to sit with Lily-yi-yi or with Wei-wei-yi-yi. I screamed and cried...

Scene 3: Dinner at Palace Jaya yesterday

We were the first to arrive. Aunt Shawnie and Uncle Kenny came next. They sat next to us. I was shy but alright. Then, came Uncle James. The minute he looked at me, I burst into tears. With all the boo-hoos and fuss, I spent the rest of the evening at one corner away from their dinner table looking at fishes. Mommy and Daddy had to take turns keeping me company. I could not be persuaded to join the others. What am I so scared about? Err....

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