Sunday, October 16, 2011

8th Anniversary Weekend (Part 3)

Saturday, October 8

It seemed like my parents' 8th anniversary weekend is a bigger celebration for me than for them.  I laughed the most, smiled the most and 'taaaaan' (enjoy) our stay at the Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa the most.  Actually, Mommy has not been feeling very well (cough, headaches) but she didn't want to miss the opportunity and agreed immediately to Daddy's suggestion for a night's stay here.  And of course, the stay isn't complete without a trip to the pool!!

The water looks cooooooold (it was!)....
I am having a splashing good time!

After swimming in very cold water in the big pool, Mommy let me continue 'swimming' in very warm water in the 'mini pool' back at our room.  I was so happy!

Bubble bath!

Relaxing after my bath...

Smiling naturally (a rare gem) with Mommy

Showing my not-so-nice cheeky smile with Daddy

Family photo
After having a quiet and relaxing family time in the room, we went for my parents' 8th anniversary dinner.  I am super delighted that I got to tag along this year...

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