Saturday, October 15, 2011

8th Anniversary Weekend (Part 2)

Continuing my blog about my parents' 8th anniversary weekend at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa.  (The new blogger tools/interface takes getting use to!  Can't layout like last time without messing up)

Saturday, October 8

Our lovely white room was on the 5th floor.  The view from our room overlooked the amazing Sunway Lagoon...

The corridor to our room
Our room

The bathroom

What? No Disney channel? Games on iPad then...

This is smurfy!

My kind of smurfs are not blue...
My latest infamous 'moong ngan' smiles

The pull-out daybed is peerrrfect (my recent favourite word) for my bear too...

The view from our room

After relaxing for a while in our room, we walked to the Sunway Pyramid shopping centre.  Because I didn't eat much during our brunch earlier, I was rather hungry.  So, we stopped at the Chocolate Lounge, the first place we saw as we were descending an escalator near the ice rink.  Hmm, this one is not as cosy as the one in 1U.  Only after we have ordered, we noticed the I LOVE YOO! nearby. We love the 'yao tiau', soya drink and porridge there.  The first time we had it was at the Empire. That day we actually would have preferred something savory to sweet stuffs. Nonetheless, I enjoyed watching people ice-skate at the nearby ice-rink...

2 yummy cheesecakes, 1 small ?? round cake, coffee and lavender grey tea

I love chocolates and cakes! But I couldn't finish this one (not very nice)..

After our sweeet break, there was no escaping my pleas for at least 2 kiddie rides...

Choo-choo.. I'd never get bored of riding this train...

I'd never get bored of this plane ride too...

Look! It's Papa smurf!

The view from the pathway between our hotel and the shopping centre

Outside the hotel
TO BE CONTINUED (see Part 3)...

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