Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Am a TV Addict!

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I would say is "Mommy, can I watch TV.... pleaseeee?"

Mommy: *shaking her head*  Say "Good morning, Mommy" first...
Me: Good morning, Mommy.... Now, can I watch TV??  Huh? Huh? Pleeaasseee?
Mommy: No...
Me: Why?!
Mommy: Don't always TV, TV, TV lah... Too much TV is no good for you... bla bla bla...
Me: When can I watch TV?
Mommy: Later...
Me: Later when? Long hand point to 12 already, it's showing 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' nooow... 

That's what you hear almost every morning.  If you let me, I can watch Disney Junior on Astro all day.  Even though, there are always reruns, I would still watch them whilst doing other things too..

This week, Mommy is endeavoring to resume the 'training' to limit my TV viewing to only 3 cartoon shows a day.  I get to pick any 3 shows.  "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" are usually top in the list followed by "Angelina Ballerina", "Little Einsteins", "Octonauts", "Animal Mechanical" OR "Special Agent Oso".  Hmm, nearly all of the cartoon shows on Disney Junior are my favourites.  The training stopped temporarily last week as I was not well and TV helped to keep me in good spirit.  I actually started this 'training' about 3 weeks ago...

Here are some of the things I did, starting October 2, Sunday evening:

1. Painting
My paintings are of my own originality.  Mommy only helped me fill my water palette with water colours and my plastic bottle with water.  Daddy taught me earlier how to add a little water to the colours and mix them.  After that, I didn't want anyone to tell me what to paint or how to do it...

Artist at work...

"My pretty dancers"
"My garden"
"My house and garden"
A few of my paintings,
which I proudly placed on the fridge...
"Rainbow grassland"

2. Writing, Colouring and Drawing

I write a line, a day.
If the way I write is wrong, I have to erase and write again
(Note: 2 and 8: Formation is better and correct now

Yi, er, san, ....
(Note: Need more practice...)

I like a pink smurf!
(Note: I completed the whole picture and a few others..)

Besides practicing my letter and number writings (numeric and Chinese), I did some colouring and drawings.  I especially like the 'fruits' drawing sessions.  I would pick a fruit, watch Mommy draw it, then I copy and we colour them together.  See examples below...

Pick of the day: Avocado, cherries, mango...

My writing and drawings on the left, Mommy's on the right...
More drawings...
Sorry, I dunno how to draw bananas! So ugly hor.  Hahaha...

3. Sand Art
Finally, Mommy showed me how to do it.  It was interesting but.. as we did it outside the house (Mommy didn't want any mess inside the house) I was sweating a lot and didn't like it.  In the end, Mommy finished the work.  There wasn't enough sand to complete one picture.  So the outcome wasn't splendid either. Nevertheless, I admired it every time I saw it (before Mommy threw it away)...

Sand from 'the house' (incomplete) to complete 'the girl'..

4. Others
Other activities when not watching TV include playing the piano, riding my bicycle, Lego building, playing hide and seek with Mommy, learning maths with Daddy, etc. and nap!  Yes, I take naps (forced to) in afternoon once again for an hour or so.  After finally almost recovering from so many months of coughing off and on (since May), I need to catch up on some sleep.  My naps these few days have been short but sweet and good for me...

Even though I was not too happy with the idea of 'less TV", I quickly adjusted. It was fun doing other things besides watching TV.  Nonetheless, I still ask the same question almost every morning: Mommy, can I watch TV, please?

Oh dear, I'm a TV addict!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Doctor 4 Times a Week!

Last week, Mommy had to see the doctor 4 times (a clinic doctor, a dentist, a general surgeon twice).  This week, I had to see the doctor 4 times too (same doctor, Dr.C)...

I started an episode of coughing at night last Sunday (October 18) and it got worse.  Here's the story for the week...

Monday, October 17
Daddy went to Singapore for work.  Whilst I was playing at home in the afternoon, I tripped and bumped my head on the floor!  Of course, I cried and cried.  Mommy was so worried about the 'mouse-hill' on my forehead that she took me to the doctor that very evening as soon as the clinic opened at 6pm.  Dr.C turned off the lights, checked my eyes and then also my knee reflexes.  Then advised Mommy to observe me closely in the next 24 hours.  If I start vomiting (not because of coughing), have a bad headache, act strangely or blurry, unable to move my hands or legs, then immediate medical attention is needed.  A head scan was not necessary at that moment as I seemed fine and the scan could do more harm than good.  It's 10 (or did he say 100 times?) more harmful than x-rays.  After checking me over, I was prescribed some medicine for my cough...

That night, I was coughing EVERY MINUTE till about 3am!  Sleep was no longer than 2 minutes between the coughs.  I coughed so much, I vomitted 3 times! (Which was worrying also because I had my head bumped earlier). What a mess!   Fortunately, Mommy had a small basin ready for me to use.  When it was 6am the next day, I started coughing again.  The medicine I had taken didn't seem to help. What's wrong?

Tuesday, October 18
In the afternoon, Mommy forced me to take a nap.  Even though I was very tired, my nap was not peaceful.  I coughed every 1 or 2 minutes. I snored, grunted and was rather 'noisy' when not coughing, as you can see in the video below:

Since Mommy has not fully recovered from her cough yet, she was tired, confused and panicked.  Alas, our prayers were answered.  A couple of sisters called and encouraged her.  Poh-poh and Daddy also called, then Mah-mah came over with some dinner and to stay the night.  Even Auntie Judy sent us so much food, there was leftover enough for another day's meal...

Before they came, Mommy took me to see Dr. C (2nd time) again even though it was raining dogs and cats that evening.  After she had explained my condition, Dr. C sent me to the asthma/lung treatment room to use the NEBULISER.  This was my first time using it.

At night, I slept at 10:15pm and I slept sooo soundly.  Only coughed twice during the night. Phew...

Wednesday, October 19
Mah-mah returned home in the morning.  I skipped school again. I seemed fine the rest of the day with occasional coughs.  But as advised by Dr.C, we returned to the clinic in the evening (raining dogs and cats again!) to use the nebuliser only for the 2nd time.  The session took about 15 minutes like the day before and I have been very cooperative.  I was a little impatient but I sat quietly most of the time...

At night, I slept at 9:45pm and started coughing at 10:15pm every 5 minutes and threatened to vomit each time, but stopped after an hour or so.  I was sound asleep by midnight, with only a few short chesty coughs after that...

Thursday, October 20
I went to school, without much fuss.  My teachers were informed to call Mommy if I start coughing uncontrollably again.  The day went quite well.  In the evening, I returned to the clinic to use the nebuliser for the 3rd time even though it was raining heavily (it's dogs and cats everyday nowadays!).  Mommy curi-curi took a few shots of how it was like, with her handphone (see picture below):

The mask
(Mommy was holding it for me, didn't use the strap)

The nebuliser machine

Sitting on Mommy's lap, waiting...
Dr. C checked me again after that and sent us home with more cough medicine and also added Singulair (which I have been taking for about 6 weeks already, from Dr. F, finishing in 5 days) to it.  I have what he called an 'airway allergy'. The nebuliser helped to relaxed my airway as it has been extremely irritated which explained the every-minute coughs.  My 4 visits cost us nearly RM450 in total! 

At night, I had a few occasional chesty coughs but managed to sleep through the night...

Today, October 21
I went to school in good spirits... but still coughing occasionally.  We still do not know what I am allergic to.  Hopefully, I won't need to use the nebuliser again.  What a week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

8th Anniversary Weekend Breakfast

Sunday, October 9

The breakfast buffet at the Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa was splendid.  There was such a wide variety of food to choose from (Asian, Western, Middle Eastern and Japanese cuisines, barbecue, cold appetizers and salads). We couldn't finish trying everything even though we only took a little of each food served.  I finished almost 100% of everything Mommy took for me (a 1st time record!).  Mommy was also feeling a little better, so we enjoyed our breakfast very much...

My first helping
(Freshly squeezed orange juice, porridge, chawan mushi and a small doughnut)

Mommy's 1st helping!
(Pandan roti jala, dim sum, nasi lemak, fried meehoon, fried rice,
yam cake, chicken rendang, fish, etc.)

Enjoying my breakfast

Finishing up my doughnut

Daddy having his breakfast
(behind him is the counter for any freshly squeezed juice you like)

Being my usual cheeky self...

My mommy who's about to enjoy her first BIG helping

Mommy's second helping (she has a hearty appetite!)
(Hashbrown, yoghurt, scrambled eggs, spinach and some fruits)

My 2nd helping (having a big breakfast appetite for the 1st time)
(Coco Crunch and mixed fruit yoghurt)

It was so sunny outside the Fuzion restaurant

Very hot! I want to go back inside...
(Not very cold inside but I still wanted to put on my cardigan)

Fountains outside the restaurant
Photos above were taken from Mommy's handphone because she left the camera's battery in the room (charged overnight).  Right after breakfast we had to quickly pack and go because Daddy received a phonecall that Mah-mah was in hospital again...

Just before checking out, we managed to take a few more shots outside our room on the 5th floor...

Nice pool behind us but no swimming allowed here

Bye-bye Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa

Sunday, October 16, 2011

8th Anniversary Weekend (Part 4)

Saturday, October 8

After my parents' 8th anniversary dinner, we headed back to our room because Mommy was having a splitting headache and a slight fever.  I was also super exhausted.  Before that, we couldn't resist taking a few photos of the beautiful night lights outside the hotel...

Sunway Lagoon Ducky and I

Opps, Daddy and I are in the shadows...

Beautiful lights in the background

Forcing another convincing smile with Mommy

View from the entrance

The entrance to the hotel
 Although it rained a little during the day, the night was beautiful!  The next day's breakfast was splendid...

8th Anniversary Weekend Dinner

Saturday, October 8

My parents had their 8th anniversary dinner 2 days earlier than the actual date at Tony Roma's this year.  It's their favourite place.  Daddy loves the ribs here.  Although Mommy usually doesn't take beef, she found the ribs very good too.  As I have mentioned in my earlier blog, this year is special because I got to join them...

Our anniversary dinner

Mommy and her 'Romanita'

Daddy and his beer
Daddy and I

Mommy and I

The Mask

Bat girl?

Daddy's favourite ribs

Mommy's salmon and prawns piccata with a lot of chips
(shared with me)

Bye-bye Tony Roma's.  I'll be back!