Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rides @ Sunway

I want to sit pink cat! That what I have been saying everyday since the day I went on my first animal ride and had lots of fun at Sunway. So, finally, we went to Sunway again today. However, there is no pink cat in sight. There were only an elephant and a dog. I chose the elephant...

An elephant ride... Yeay!!

After that, I went on other rides. Stationary ones. But when I get in, they don't move. Hmmm... Mommy, did you forget something or 'wai jor' (not working)? Anyway, I still enjoy simply 'sitting' in it...

Sitting on Patrick the dog...

Sitting in a really cool red sports car...

One nice lady offered to let me sit on the merry-go-round with her son. So I got a free ride. I was quite eager at first, but before the ride ended, I became afraid and cried for Mommy. What a cry baby I was!

Mommy, Mommy, I want to get off! Boo-hoo-hoo...

Why won't this car move?!

Whilst we were window shopping, we met Mr. Lion (that's what I called him because I don't know what is his real name)...

A picture with Mr. Lion...

I like walking around in the mall. I would venture off on my own and I am not afraid of walking in the big crowd. See, I didn't even look back to check if Daddy and Mommy were actually following me...

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