Thursday, November 5, 2009

2. Swimming with Chloe

One of our planned activities was swimming. It was drizzling a little when we arrived at the poolside. Nevertheless, we thought we go in for a little while. Just when we thought of leaving already, it stopped raining. So we continued playing in the water. At first, I just sat at the corner of the pool...

After a while, I could see that Chloe-jie-jie was having fun and didn't want to miss out. So I started walking around the pool whilst holding Mommy's hand. Mommy stayed close and wouldn't let go of my hand. Yet, I slipped and went under the water twice. I was a bit shocked at first. But quickly recovered after Mommy carried me to the side to sit for a while...

Oh, the water is waist deep...

Boy, am I having fun or what!

Look, my hair is all wet because I went under twice...

Mommy taught me how to kick like a frog and oh, how I kicked!

Watch me kick!!

I really enjoyed myself. So, Mommy was pleasantly surprised that I didn't object when it was time to leave. Obediently, I let her carry me out of the pool, towel me dry and put on some dry clothes. When we reached the floor where Chloe's stayed, we ran ahead. We were both looking forward to having more fun...

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