Monday, November 30, 2009

A Free Book about Bobo

Recently, Dutch Lady milk powder comes with a free Disney book. Even though I now drink Enfagrow milk, Mommy bought a packet simply to get one of the 4 books when she saw it at Tesco today. Which book did she choose? The one about Bobo, of course...

The packet of Dutchlady milk powder and the free book...

Itching Like a Monkey

I have been scratching a lot. I am always scratching my arms, legs and neck for the last couple of months! I also had rashes at my neck which was really bad at one time until Mah-mah consulted a pharmacist and bought me some cream (I forgot the name) to apply. No more rashes now! Phew...

I don't have any rashes but I am still itching here and there... and scratching like a monkey! My arms and legs are covered with marks or scars from my scratching. Mommy was advised to bathe me using bath cream that has no fragrance or soap ingredients. So she bought this...

Not sure if it will help in the long run... but I smell really nice after my 'bubble bath' and my skin feels so soft and smooth. I love my bath (despite the small tub Mommy used)!! I like scooping out the bubbles and making splashes...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Possessive of My Things

After meeting today, we went straight to Sunway because Daddy's friend has opened a new restaurant there and invited us for a private function.The owner has a 7-month old baby. When Mommy wanted to let her sit in my stroller, I screamed and cried in protest! Everyone was so shocked to see me like this... Ayoyo... I am very possessive of my things...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rides @ Sunway

I want to sit pink cat! That what I have been saying everyday since the day I went on my first animal ride and had lots of fun at Sunway. So, finally, we went to Sunway again today. However, there is no pink cat in sight. There were only an elephant and a dog. I chose the elephant...

An elephant ride... Yeay!!

After that, I went on other rides. Stationary ones. But when I get in, they don't move. Hmmm... Mommy, did you forget something or 'wai jor' (not working)? Anyway, I still enjoy simply 'sitting' in it...

Sitting on Patrick the dog...

Sitting in a really cool red sports car...

One nice lady offered to let me sit on the merry-go-round with her son. So I got a free ride. I was quite eager at first, but before the ride ended, I became afraid and cried for Mommy. What a cry baby I was!

Mommy, Mommy, I want to get off! Boo-hoo-hoo...

Why won't this car move?!

Whilst we were window shopping, we met Mr. Lion (that's what I called him because I don't know what is his real name)...

A picture with Mr. Lion...

I like walking around in the mall. I would venture off on my own and I am not afraid of walking in the big crowd. See, I didn't even look back to check if Daddy and Mommy were actually following me...

All About Bobo

Mommy bought me a number of books today. They are all about Bobo...

4 board books... 'hums' all about Bobo!

3 more storybooks... all about Bobo!!

I sat down to 'read' them as soon as Mommy showed them to me after my bath...

Adidas Sales

A colleague informed Daddy that there is an Adidas sales at the Summit. So we went. What great discounts we found! So, we all got something for ourselves...

Daddy bought football/futsal shoes and Mommy bought a pair of sports shoes and a bag...

Addidas shoes and bag...

I got a pair of shoes too! There were only 2 pairs left when Mommy found them. Good thing one of them was my size (slightly larger - size 5). There was also a red pair, but I think these are nicer.

My first pair of Adidas shoes. Look at the ribbon and heart shapes. So lovely eh!

As you can see, the original price was RM129.90. We got them for RM50. Although that was quite a bargain, they are still the most expensive shoes I own...

The original price...

Today, when Mommy showed me the shoes, I was so happy and eager to put them on...

After putting on, I couldn't wait to go gai-gai!

Ready for a walk/run in my new shoes!!

Are we there yet?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lego Creations (2)

Oh, nothing much... Just wanted to show you what I built today...

(Previous lego creations here)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shaking My Butt

I like to shake my butt when I dance. One time, Daddy saw me shook my butt and burst out laughing. It was quite funny. Since then, Mommy has been trying capture my butt shaking on video... but the best shake has not been captured yet. Hahaha... Nonetheless...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ABC Karaoke

I just love singing. Every night, I must have my karaoke session with Daddy and Mommy. Here's me singing the ABC song...

Take 1:

Take 2:


Usually, I would just have milk for breakfast, followed by light snacks (fruit and/or biscuits) in the mid-mornings before lunch. This week, Mommy decided to 'improve' on my breakfast. Yesterday morning, she cooked scrambled eggs. This morning, she made pancakes!

Pancakes with sweetcorns...

I ate the pancake but spit out the corns...

Hmm... nice, but I don't like the corns...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Being Motherly and Witty

Earlier in the evening, I went up to Mommy and reached for her left arm. Caressing her arm, I said, "Ooo hoong hoong oh. Don't scratch ah. Moi yuk ah..." Then I went away and pretended to get something to apply on Mommy's arm.

When Mommy asked "Neck leh?", I climbed closer to her. Then, I pointed at the wall and said, "Tai! Yim-seh!" When Mommy looked up for the lizard which was not there, I checked her neck. Mommy laughed after she realized that it was a trick.

Well, I was simply imitating what she or Mah-mah does sometimes when she wants to apply something on my neck. Hehehe...

Later, when we were reading magazines in bed, I wanted to read the one Mommy was holding. So I showed her my magazine and tried to persuade her to take it by saying "Tai, yau cheh-cheh, kor-kor hor... mmm... Nah! Mommy tai li chek ah...". Then, I gave her my magazine and took hers. Again, Mommy laughed at my wits...


Mommy, all my long pants have pockets lah... who says they don't?!!

Come, take a closer look... see where I put my microphone?

Okay, I have my mike in my 'pocket'... so I all set to go!

Sleeping On My Own

Previously, I like sleeping between Daddy and Mommy on their big bed. Now, I like sleeping on my own... on my own mattress... on the floor... next to Daddy and Mommy's big bed...

Sometimes, I still sleep with them... Most of the time, I would climb down after a while to sleep on my own... on my own mattress... on the floor... next to Daddy and Mommy's big bed...
I am a big girl already...

Balancing Act

I like to sit at the most unusual places...

Arggh... I am trying to balance myself...

Don't worry la... I won't fall off...

Bed or sofa... I like to balance myself at the sides...

So relaxing la...

Yo, What's Up?

Let me show you how to wear a cap...

First, you can wear it like this... with the back in front...

Or sideways like this...

ABC Pasta with Broc and Cab

I like my ABC pasta now... especially when they are cooked in anchovies soup with broccolli and cabbage...

Aaaaaaah...... UM!! Hmm....

See... see... got letter 'A', got letter 'B'...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Abstract Art

I curi-curi Mommy's camera again to take a few shots...

This is what I call "Abstract art" maaaah, but Mommy cannot understand this. She just said "No, no, cannot, cannot". Sigh...

Another New but Smaller Pool

Last month, Mommy bought me a new pool (5-feet wide). This month, Mommy bought me another new but smaller pool. It requires less time to fill up with water and it's easier to clean...

Playing in my new smaller pool... The bigger pool (in the background) has been left outside to be cleaned and later kept in the store...

I like playing in my new pool sooo much and played in for sooo long until my fingers and toes started to wrinkle...

See my 'wrinkle wrinkle' fingers...

Snoopies and Friends

Previously, it was Teddies in a row again and again... Now, it's Snoopies! But these soft toys were actually Mommy's. She has kept them all these years and finally had them washed and gave them to me...

Snoopies and friends, please sit down quietly and listen to me okay...

Friday, November 20, 2009

This is a Pail

What is this?

Most nights, I like to review my study cards with Daddy and Mommy. However, whenever they show me this picture of a pail, instead of answering "pail", I will tell them a long story about how Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a PAIL of water... and even demonstrate how Jack fell down... bla bla bla...