Monday, February 14, 2011

How I Fared During My 1st Month in School

This is a backlog about my 1st month in school:

The 1st week went generally well (See Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5).

The 2nd week was full of drama (and trauma!). It included two mornings of emotional shock when a teacher separated me from Mommy; skipping half day of school because I was very unhappy and a little unwell (cough); refusing to go into my class and Mommy has to sit outside my class (with the door left opened) till school was over or else!

Day 1 of week 2: Another teacher carrying me after Mommy has supposedly already left; Sitting on the steps, not wanting to play during Physical Activities in the morning; Still in a crypot mood (see my milk bottle on my chair?) and being coaxed by Teacher Chris; Happy again after receiving a treat from Mommy!

Day 2 of week 2: Enjoying my treat and a bicycle ride in Giant...

Day 4 of week 2: When curiosity got the better of me. I entered the class because I wanted to do some painting...

The 3rd week was slightly better. Mommy still accompanied me to my class but managed to sneak away or leave me in school for a couple of hours or more. On the first day, she seemed to take a long time in the toilet. On the 2nd day, I reluctantly let her go to the bank. The next few days, I cried a lot and I would insist on having a 'talk' with Mommy and give her kisses before I let her leave. Nevertheless, I was always cheerful when Mommy came to pick me up after school. I was also very pleased to have treats every time. Treats included Kinderjoy, Bueno, Panda biscuits and M&Ms. All enjoyed whilst on a kiddie ride in Giant before going home for lunch…

The 4th week was both good and bad. I would cry as soon as I wake up in the morning, saying “I don’t want to go to school!”. In school, I would cry even louder when Mommy has to leave. The peak was on the 2nd day. Mommy could still hear my loud cries a few doors away after she left. It was very heartbreaking for her. But the cries were shorter after that and I didn’t burst into tears again when I saw Mommy after school. Mommy’s friend even called her on Friday to report that I didn’t cry after she left. My teacher Chris also mentioned in my weekly summary report that I was more cheerful and adapting to school…

Playing in the school's playground after school...

Treats and rides for going to school...

The 2 days before the long holiday started were exceptionally good. Even though I cried before we left the house, I didn’t cry in school. Daddy (on leave from work) and Mommy were both very pleased. Since then, I was always proud to say “I didn’t cry… I waved bye-bye to Mommy and Daddy..."

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