Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bell in My Nose

This is a backlog about what happened on the evening of 14 Jan 2011. I did something rather dangerous. I removed a little bell from one of Mommy’s small wooden cats (display items from Bali) and placed it inside my right nostril!

After I did that, I thought it was rather funny to have a bell ringing in my nose. I excitedly told Mommy about it when she was doing the dishes in the kitchen. She couldn’t believe her ears and panicked. Amongst all things, silly Mommy tried to dig it out with her little finger without any success. Daddy wondered what was the commotion in the kitchen and quickly came to the rescue. He closed my left nostril and asked me to blow my nose hard. It took me a couple of times before the bell was shot out from my right nostril. Much to my parents’ relief. Of course, after that, I received a good lecture about the dangers of putting things in my nose, ears, etc…

The little bell that I put in my nose (on Mommy‘s palms before she threw it away)…

On a lighter note, here are some other ‘not-dangerous’ and ‘naughty’ things I do when Mommy is busy:

7-01-2011: Playing school and stickers…

10-01-2011: Building what I call ‘my house’ or ‘bed‘…

10-01-2011: Rock-a-bye-bear-bear…

13-01-2011: Used UHU glue to stick papers here and there…

25-01-2011: Doodling on the sofa, then forced to clean it up when Mommy found out…

28-01-2011: Cooking and feeding my hungry animals…

My New Favourite Cardigan

Mommy has been searching for a new cardigan for me. I was soon out-growing the two I already have. Last month, she found a cute one at the Brands Outlet…

See, my new cardigan!

I like everything about it... It is pink, it has a hood and it has pockets!

I want to wear it everyday, even when we are at home on a hot afternoon. My parents think I am crazy. They will say in Cantonese “Fatt lang meh!”.

My new cardigan and dress from Brands Outlet (both with pockets! Yeay! I love pockets)...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Back to School after a Long Holiday

After almost 2 weeks of holiday, I am back in school today. To Mommy's surprise, I shed no tears. I didn't cry in the morning before leaving the house. When we arrived in school, I quietly placed my slippers on the rack outside, walked in and waved bye-bye to Mommy. No drama, no fuss, no tears. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me...

Photos taken this morning (wearing my school t-shirt because my 1st class on a Monday is Physical Activities):

Let's go to school!!

How I Fared During My 1st Month in School

This is a backlog about my 1st month in school:

The 1st week went generally well (See Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5).

The 2nd week was full of drama (and trauma!). It included two mornings of emotional shock when a teacher separated me from Mommy; skipping half day of school because I was very unhappy and a little unwell (cough); refusing to go into my class and Mommy has to sit outside my class (with the door left opened) till school was over or else!

Day 1 of week 2: Another teacher carrying me after Mommy has supposedly already left; Sitting on the steps, not wanting to play during Physical Activities in the morning; Still in a crypot mood (see my milk bottle on my chair?) and being coaxed by Teacher Chris; Happy again after receiving a treat from Mommy!

Day 2 of week 2: Enjoying my treat and a bicycle ride in Giant...

Day 4 of week 2: When curiosity got the better of me. I entered the class because I wanted to do some painting...

The 3rd week was slightly better. Mommy still accompanied me to my class but managed to sneak away or leave me in school for a couple of hours or more. On the first day, she seemed to take a long time in the toilet. On the 2nd day, I reluctantly let her go to the bank. The next few days, I cried a lot and I would insist on having a 'talk' with Mommy and give her kisses before I let her leave. Nevertheless, I was always cheerful when Mommy came to pick me up after school. I was also very pleased to have treats every time. Treats included Kinderjoy, Bueno, Panda biscuits and M&Ms. All enjoyed whilst on a kiddie ride in Giant before going home for lunch…

The 4th week was both good and bad. I would cry as soon as I wake up in the morning, saying “I don’t want to go to school!”. In school, I would cry even louder when Mommy has to leave. The peak was on the 2nd day. Mommy could still hear my loud cries a few doors away after she left. It was very heartbreaking for her. But the cries were shorter after that and I didn’t burst into tears again when I saw Mommy after school. Mommy’s friend even called her on Friday to report that I didn’t cry after she left. My teacher Chris also mentioned in my weekly summary report that I was more cheerful and adapting to school…

Playing in the school's playground after school...

Treats and rides for going to school...

The 2 days before the long holiday started were exceptionally good. Even though I cried before we left the house, I didn’t cry in school. Daddy (on leave from work) and Mommy were both very pleased. Since then, I was always proud to say “I didn’t cry… I waved bye-bye to Mommy and Daddy..."