Friday, January 7, 2011

Fifth Day of School

Today, I think I woke up on the wrong side of bed. I was in a bad mood almost all morning...

Wearing my school's T-shirt and my own pink pants (the school's black pants is too big for me, so I didn't want to wear it)

Unlike the past few days, I cried alot today. I cried and cried so much that Mommy had to sit with me in class all morning. When she took a little longer than usual in the toilet, I would also cry. I refused to do or say anything when teacher Jamie asked me to (during Bahasa class). If she or Mommy asked me more than once, I would burst into tears again. I could not be persuaded me to do or say anything. I was such a crypot!

Sitting quietly... in a crypot mood...

After two helpings of Coco Crunch with chocolate milk (yummy!), however, my mood was a little better. Feeling assured that Mommy would be in the class with me and also not wanting to be left out, I began to participate and also do my assignments...

Doing my writing skill class' assignment...

10-minutes playtime...

Teacher Jenny teaching me and letting me write on the board, the Chinese strokes: ' (dian) like rain drops, l (su) like the stem of an apple, and - (hen) like the steps of a staircase...

Writing the new Chinese stroke I learnt today...

Teacher Jenny teaching us the names of fruits in Mandarin...

Must line up before going out...

Waiting to go outside for water play...

Water play!

Just before water play, I saw a bright orange school bus stopped outside my school to pick up a student. Jumping with joy, I told Mommy "The bus is here!!" I was a little disappointed when I was told that I couldn't go on the bus, not today...

I like school!! I don't want to go home....

I miss school already... See you next week, Little Nobel!

Fourth Day of School (Part 2 - A Good Day)

My fourth day of school (06-01-2011) was quite good. I didn't cry because Mommy decided to stay in school with me until it is over, just this once. Call me a spoilt brat but I was very glad...

Mommy managed to steal a few snapshots when the door was left opened...

Very happy in class (with Teacher Chris)...

Snack time: Enjoying my cake and milo but didn't want the banana...

Mandarin class: Writing the Chinese stroke 'hen' on the white board...

Music & Movement class: This is so much fun! I enjoyed this class the most...

A happy meal for a happy girl who enjoyed her fourth day of school very much!!

Fourth Day at School (Part 1 - Uniform)

On my fourth day of school (06-01-2011), I decided to wear my full uniform, just in case the school bus came. You see, Daddy has been telling me that only children in school uniform can go on a school bus. Also, I have seen photos of children in uniforms in school going for a field trip in a school bus...

Mommy was so happy that she took many (many!!) photos. Take a look at these selected photos below...

Enough photos already... Can we go to school now?

Third Day of School

On my third day of school (05-01-2011), I agreed to wear my uniform BUT only the skirt. Earlier, Daddy said that if I don't wear my uniform, then I cannot go to Giant or Tesco and also, no elephant kiddie ride. So, I told Mommy "Tell Daddy I wear one uniform today, okay?"

Feeling a little proud that I wore "one uniform" today...

It seemed that I had no problems in class today. I didn't cry and I didn't mind when Mommy went to sit outside the classroom. I was also alright when the door was closed and couldn't see Mommy sitting outside. So, at about 10am, Mommy decided to escape for an hour or so again. She went to IOI mall to have breakfast and to buy a few necessities and something for me...

Holding hands with my classmates...

I love the sing-a-song sessions!

Colouring faces...

From left to right: Sin Yi, Qiao Ern, Ni Jie, Yan Jun and a new joiner, Benjamin, with his mother. Adbinan was absent...

Smiling at Mommy (just before she escaped to IOI mall)...

When Mommy returned to school at about 11:30am, she saw me crying downstairs. A teacher was carrying me and trying to console me. Mommy's heart broke...

Mommy: Leanne, why are you crying?
Me: I... (sob sob).... didn't see Mommy... (sob sob)...
Mommy: Mommy went out to buy you something mah... Leanne has been such a good girl. You wore your school skirt and didn't cry this morning. So, Mommy went out to buy you something loh...

Then, Mommy took out a small blue elephant soft toy which she bought for me. It caught my attention for a short while, then I started to cry loudly again. As I wouldn't stop crying, Mommy hurriedly gathered my things and we went home...

Back home, I asked Mommy where Daddy was...
Me: Where is Daddy?
Mommy: Daddy went to work.
Me: Daddy go to work to take money ah?
Mommy: To make money, not take...

Later that evening, Daddy also asked me why I cried...
Leanne: I want Mommy upstairs mah...
Daddy: Mommy cannot always stay in school with you.
Leanne: Nooo, I want Mommy upstairs with me...
Daddy: Mommy has to ... bla... bla... bla... leh?
Leanne: Nooo, cannot!
Mommy: Why cannot? So sien sitting in school all day. Only children there. Mommy has nothing to do there wor...
Leanne: Mommy bring a book to read la...

Tired out... Napping...

Someone is napping under the handkerchief too... Who?

Bunny and the gift Mommy bought me...

Another small gift Mommy bought for me...