Monday, May 4, 2009

18 Months Old

Hi! I am 18 months old today...

NEW DEVELOPMENTS (since I turned 17 months old last month):

1. I am more affectionate. I will hug or 'sayang' people I have grown attached to, people like my Mommy, Daddy, Mah-mah, Yeh-yeh, Suk-suk and Ku-Cheh. I have also hugged the Cheh-cheh at Mah-mah's house when she cried and before she goes home...

2. I am also more cheeky. Sometimes I would offer Mommy or Daddy something, then not give it to them and giggle. Also, when Mommy wants to change me, I will run away. When she says, "Come here", I would take a few steps towards her, show her my cheeky smile and then run away laughing every time...

3. I am using more and more words. I am also learning to put two words together. My most recent favourite words are: "no more", "ehgo" (let's go), "clo" (close), "ohkay" (okay), "walk-walk", "sit-sit", "book", "kakak" (the maid opposite our house). When I am not saying any particular word, I really babble a lot!

4. I can recognise the letter "A" and maybe "B" and "C" too. Whenever I see the letter "A", I will point to it and say "aye" (e.g. the letter "A" in 'NOKIA', 'TOSHIBA'... in magazine covers, newspapers, books, TV).

5. I am learning to help or try to help Mommy more and more. For example, when she is hanging the laundry, I will take the hangers for her. When I spilt water on the floor, I will quickly get a handkerchief to wipe it dry. When Mommy is cleaning the room, I want to help. When she is sweeping, I want to too!

6. I know where the rubbish bin is and will help Mommy throw things (such as cheese wrapper) or the tiniest things I found or picked up from the floor (such as cornflake bits)...

7. I have new teeth coming up at the back of my gums (left and right).

8. Strangely, I seemed to cling to Mommy more when at home.

9. I drew my first masterpiece with crayons.

10. I know how to put lego bricks together now.

11. I prefer to climb down the stairs on my own. I don't want Mommy to carry me, but I am sometimes fine with holding her hand.

12. I know how to nod or shake my head when asked whether I want something or not. Previously I don't nod my head, I will just scream. But I knew how to shake my head when I disapprove of something.

WHAT I LIKE TO DO (in no particular order):

1. Open drawers (especially the ones in the kitchen when Mommy is busy preparing my meals)...

2. Show my cheeky smiles...

3. Arrange my soft toys in a row and sit with them.

4. Pile up pillows/cushions and sleep on them.

5. Climb up and down ... stairs, sofa, chair, bench...

Time totally flies! Can you believe it? I am one and a half year old already...


cre8tone said...

Such a sweet smile u hv!

Leanne Leong said...

thank you. :)