Sunday, December 21, 2008

Circuit Assembly

It was our circuit assembly (CA) yesterday and today. It was held in Shah Alam.

As usual, I was very unfriendly and greeted everyone I met with a cry or turned my head away. However, Mommy thinks that I have been quite good considering the fact that I could stay in my seat or near my seat for 2 hours during the 1st half of the day and slept for 2 hours during the 2nd half of the program... before I demanded for walks outside or tried to crawl away and get my hands all dirty. At our usual weekly meetings, I am 'well-behaved' for only half an hour max!

The surprise for the day was... during the singing of praises, I would also join in and sing in my own language... :)

The funniest moment (yesterday) was... when I was sleeping. I would wake up to clap my hands and go back to sleep at the end of each talk. Haha...

DAY 1:

1. On the way to the CA...

2. At the CA...

With Mommy and Daddy...

Not sure why I liked the pillow very much that morning. I dragged it with me everywhere I went...

During the program, sometimes I would read, play quietly, eat my biscuit, drink water, or sleep...

DAY 2:

1. On the way to the CA...

2. Inside the hall...

3. Outside the hall...

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