Sunday, June 29, 2008

Super Tired

On our way home from the park, I fell asleep...

I did not wake up when Mommy carried me from the car into the house...

I slept and slept...

And slept...

And even snored...

I only woke up briefly in between my sleeps to have my feed and to play a little while...

I was super tired.

(More photos at Mommy's site).


I joined Mommy and Daddy for a stroll in the park this morning. I was very pleased and couldn't help smiling a lot when we reached there...

I was also quite excited about the see-saw...

Auntie Deb (Mommy's ex-colleague) who came to meet me for the first time, mistakenly took this video of me on the see-saw. I'm glad she did, so you can watch me in action:

Very soon, tiredness set in and I started to fuss. So, we went home soon after...

My New Tooth

Mommy attempted to take another photo of my new tooth again...
Can you see it?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mini Boss

See how I sit like a boss, with one leg up.... haha...

I overhead that this nickname "Mini Boss" was given to me even before I was born. That time, Mommy was the "Big Boss" and I was and still am the "Mini Boss", as Daddy called us... :)

More photos at Mommy's site.

Photos with Mommy & Daddy

Had these photos taken with Mommy and Daddy the morning before we left for Seremban to visit Poh-poh, Dee Ku Kong and Goh Yee Poh...
More photos at Mommy's site.


Mommy is always looking for ways to keep me entertained. I would not sit still in the car. I would not be quiet when I am not sleepy. I want to play play play.

So far, I am still interested in the tissue box Mommy gave me to play with. She put the 2 pacifiers (which I don't like) in it, so it makes a lot of noise when I throw the box around or shake it. Sometimes I would also bang on it, like a drum. :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Quack Quack!

When my little duckie is squeezed or is hit hard, it quacks. I love my little duckie! I didn't let it go even after Mommy dropped me off at Mah-mah's...

I also have a pajamas with duckie prints...

I was heard saying "Papa" many times and blowing raspberries alot when Mommy drove me to Mah-mah's place every morning that week when Daddy was away at Bintulu.

I still say "Papa" or "Ma" but not really addressing Daddy or Mommy in particular. Mommy is waiting for the day when I call her "Mommy"... :)

More photos at Mommy's site.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


With a heavy heart, Mommy stored away clothes which do not fit me anymore. I am going to miss those cute little outfits too...

My First Hair Cut

BEFORE I had my hair cut, Mommy sometimes has to comb my fringe aside like this...

AFTER she asked Mah-mah to trim my fringe (as it was quite long and touching my eyes already), now I look even more boyish with such short fringe. Amboi...

More photos at Mommy's site.

My First Tooth!

Yesterday, Mah-mah noticed my first tooth and told Mommy when she returned from work. Mommy was so delighted and called Daddy. Daddy was very pleased and happy to hear the news. Since Mommy did not manage to take any clear pictures of my tooth (as I kept moving about and the photos taken are all blurry, like the one below), Daddy will have to wait till he is back from Bintulu before he can have a good look at my new tooth... :)

I don't think you can see my new tooth clearly in the picture above, but it's there! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I decided to be a little quiet this evening and give Mommy a break... :)

More photos at Mommy's site.

Drinking Milk

I love mealtimes. Initially, I would sometimes forget to hold the bottle and it would slipped away. See, now I am doing very well. I know how to adjust the bottle to the level for continuous flow of milk...

22 June 2008, 12:40PM

This has made things a lot easier for Mommy, especially in the mornings when she is getting ready for work. She does not need to hold the bottle for me. She still peeps in on me as I drink my milk. When I am done, I would throw the bottle aside and sometimes I would let out a big scream... signaling for her attention and then she would come help me sit up...

22 June 2008, 7:20AM

20 June 2008, 6:29AM

Mommy is waiting for the time when I can sit up from a sleeping position on my own. I still don't know how yet...

My Little Duckie

Mommy bought me a set of 3 rubber duckies for my bath time. The smallest stays home with us. The bigger 2 are at Mah-mah' place when I bathe there.

I love this little duckie best... :)

A Short Walk

Mommy and Daddy took me out for a short walk before Daddy left for Bintulu at about 9:45am. He will be away till Friday (27 June)... I will miss him :(

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Hug

I went to See Yee Poh's house for the first time today. There, I met my cousin Zhon Keat who gave me a hug... :)

After the visit, Mommy and Daddy took me shopping at Sunway Pyramid.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daddy Reads

Daddy sometimes reads to me at night...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sleeping in Style

Mommy thought I looked cute sleeping in this pajamas and with my right knee up like that... :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Dinosaur and Fish

The morning before Mommy and Daddy left for the Cameron Highlands, I was playing with this little green dinosaur and fish. I also played 'catch' with Mommy...

Later, before Daddy and Mommy left for the Cameron Highlands, I made a face at them and didn't wave bye-bye...

Mommy was upset. She cried in the car... :p

(She was sad because it was the first time they were away for 2 nights. She misses me...)

More photos at Mommy's site...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wave Bye-bye

Today I made Daddy and Mommy very proud and happy. I waved when asked. I waved by moving my whole arm up and down... When Mommy or Mah-mah said "Bye bye Yeh-yeh lah", I would wave to Yeh-yeh. When asked to "Bye bye Mah-mah", I would wave to Mah-mah...

Someone should have captured this on video!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Curious Baby

Can you spot my hand in the photos above?

Mommy was trying to take a photo of the items she bought for me but I wouldn't keep my hands off them. Finally she let me check out one of them...

Peek-a-Boo in the Car

I like it a lot when Daddy says "Chiaak!!!" suddenly. I would turn to see him and smile...

("Chiaak" = Chinese version of "peek-a-boo")

Oh My Foot!