Saturday, September 18, 2010

Suk-suk's Wedding Day

It's Suk-suk's big day today. But it is also my moodiest day, because I still have a very painful mouth ulcer!

In the morning, after dressing up, I was in my best mood. I was smiling for Mommy's camera and making cute poses...

Do you like this pose?

Suddenly, when it was time to leave for Mah-mah's house, I became grumpy and didn't want to smile for the camera...

I don't want my picture taken!!

At Mah-mah's house, my mood was better. I started running around with Ah-Chun and was very mischievous...

Being cheeky...

Later, it was a mad rush getting ready to go for the wedding reception dinner, because Mommy had to have her hair set and make-up done earlier. So vain hor! Back home, I really gave her a hard time, refusing to wear my dress, shoes and all...

At night, my mood was the worst! I cried a lot. I wanted to be carried all the time. I also wanted to carry my bolster with me everywhere (shame, shame hor!). I didn't eat much dinner (my mouth ulcer hurt very much). I only had a little soup. The only thing I would eat without fuss is cheese and I ate a lot of cheese today... about 4 or 5 pieces!

I really fussed a lot. I disliked the crowd. I disliked having my photos taken. I disliked the loud music. The list goes on... Daddy and Mommy tried their best to be patient with me, understanding that I was tired and had a mouth ulcer, so probably quite hungry too. They also wanted to have a nice photos of us together, but I was uncooperative, as you can see...

With Daddy...

With Mommy...

Daddy and Mommy with the lovely newly weds, Sam-sam and Suk-suk... (you can't see me, but I was actually standing in front of Mommy with my face buried in her cheongsam)...

It was a beautiful wedding day, but I was at my ugliest behavior (please forgive me). What a day!

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