Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2nd Hep A Jab

I went for an immunization jab today. It's the 2nd jab for Hepatitis A. As I am much older since the last jab, I remember and know it would hurt. But I was in cheerful spirit and playing with my 'baby', the rabbit... just before it was my turn to see Dr.Florence...

Just outside Dr. Florence's clinic in Columbia Asia Hospital, with my 'baby' rabbit...

I like the toys in Dr.Florence's clinic, especially the one with spinning teddy bears on a table-like thingy. You have to turn the key until the 'table' to start the music and the teddies will spin on top. Too bad Mommy dare not take photos in the clinic, else I could show you it looks like...

I cried during and after the jab. The stickers Dr.Florence gave me soon dried my tears. I like stickers...

Holding my rabbit (and stickers) tightly for some comfort after the jab...

My next immunisation jab is not for at least 3 years (DTP & Polio booster, MMR booster due when 6 or 7 years), as noted in my health record book...

Back home, I cried a lot... I kept complaining about the pain in my thigh where I was jabbed. But I did try to be cheerful...

Enjoying my banana and playing with my new stickers...

When I was not crying, Mommy took the photo below. She wanted a picture of my little toes shown like that because she thinks they are so cute...

See my little cute toes...

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