Thursday, February 4, 2010

27 Months Old

I was born on the 4th of November 2007 at 1:17am. I was a cute and quiet baby. Now, 27 months later, I am a very naughty and talkative little girl!

New/Recent developments, likes and idiosyncrasies:

1. I don't like or I am very afraid of having my photo taken in public or outside home...
2. I don't like or I am very afraid of certain stranger/unfamiliar faces looking or smiling at me...
3. I want to watch Barney shows or "Ni wa wa" (one of the chinese children songs) everyday and as long as I am allowed, even if it is from morning till the night... until I can almost memorize every song...
4. I love cheesy pasta/spaghetti...
5. I love eating noodles with a fork on my own...
6. I am officially diaper-free during the day. I know how to take off my pants, sit on the potty, tissue dry when I am done, then pull my pants back up on my own (but not very perfectly yet). Sometimes, in the middle of the night I would ask Mommy to take it off and I stay dry till the morning too.
7. I like to ask questions such as "What is this?, "Jo meh yeh? (Why?)" or "Jo meh si?" (What's the matter?), "What are you doing?" and "Where is this place?"
8. I can draw circles (or number zero), besides weird scribblings, vertical lines (or number 1) or dots...
9. I don't like holes on walls. I saw a big one on Mah-mah's bedroom wall. I kept telling her "Tai, goh tou lan jor... Moi tai!! " (Look, it's broken there... Don't want to look!) After many noisy episodes every time I go into her room, Yeh-yeh fixed it. "Ah... moh lan jor. Yeh-yeh fixed it adiii..."
10. I also don't like the holes (for plug-in) I see on the DVD player. I told Mommy, "Lei tai... kam ji... kam ji". (Look... cover it... cover it). So Mommy had to cover it up or else...

See, a little piece of cloth covering over the 'holes'...


ChloeRuoyi said...

Hahaha! She's so cute, cannot tahan seeing holes haha!

She's doing very well in her potty training. Wah, very soon, she can even be diaper-less at night :-)

Krystal said...

She has grown so fast! So when are we meeting? :p