Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Am Sick Again

Just two weeks I had a sore throat and fever. Yesterday I caught a cold and had a slight temperature of 37.4'C.

I couldn't sleep well at all last night as my nose was constantly blocked. I woke Daddy and Mommy up at about 1:30 am this morning and cried every 15 minutes before I could finally sleep well at about 5 am. The nasal spray Mommy put for me must have eventually helped after it was administered twice. Also, sleeping upright against Mommy's bosom also helped...

Despite poor or lack of sleep, I still woke up at about 7:45 am and was full of energy running here and there playing... However, I had an earlier than usual nap at about 1 pm today (my usual nap is at about 3pm). Whilst Mommy was watching TV, I went to a corner with Bobo, cover myself with a blanket (something I don't usually do) and napped like this...

Later when I woke up, I quietly sat on the sofa and watched TV which was still on whilst Mommy was upstairs. This is unusual because I would normally call out to Mommy when I am awake...

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