Wednesday, March 4, 2009

16 Months Old

Today, I am 16 months old!!!

NEW DEVELOPMENTS (since I turned 15 months old last month):

1. Movement
- I am very clumsy. I often trip over when I am walking or running.
- I can climb up the sofa without much problem now.
- I can climb up the big bed if there is a stool next to it.
- I can dance by waving my hands, shaking my butt and stamping my feet and/or making turns.

2. Physical Coordination
- When Mommy is putting my pants on for me or taking them off, I will lift one leg up at a time.
- I know how to do puzzles and sort shapes.
- I can drink from a straw.
- I will stretch both my arms up when I want to be carried.

3. Language
- I still babble a lot and say some words clearly.
- New words which I have been trying to say are "Open" (I would say "ooooooh-peh") and "Hello" ("ah-loh").
- I like to tease Daddy and call him "koh-koh" or "dee-daa" instead of "daddy" sometimes.
- I still call Mommy "mama" instead of "mommy".
- I refuse to repeat after Mommy or Daddy when asked to, even though I know how to say those words such as "please" and "yes" especially when I want whatever it is I want now. I would just cry and show my impatient.

4. Learning
- I know how to offer my hand for a hand shake. But I would only do a very brief, 1 second hand shake. Also, it depends on my mood. If I am not in the mood, I don't want to shake hands at all.
- I am a copycat and I don't really understand when I am being disciplined. For example, when Mommy hit my hand for doing something wrong (playing with the switch), I would also hit her hand.
- I have learnt to identify new body parts such as "eyes", "cheeks" and "toes". Mommy didn't teach me "eyes" earlier for fear that I might poke my eyes. But I am all right, I would close my eye when pointing to it.
- I am no longer confused about where my knees are. Previously, I would point to my elbow when asked where my knee is.
- I can identify almost all the pictures in my books.
- I think I can say the letter "A".

5. Social and Emotional
- I have no fear of strangers but still dislikes being carried up by 'strangers'.
- My impatience or temper is more apparent. For example, when I am sorting a shape and if the shape doesn't go through when I want it, within seconds, I would show my frustration by throwing it really hard!
- I would giggle as Mommy counts up to 5 (when scooping the milk powder).

6. Physical
- No new teeth. Still only 8. 4 at the top, 4 at the bottom.
- My weight is still under 10 kg, about 9.5 kg.
- My height is ???
- I still drink 6 oz of milk 3 times a day. Sometimes I drink more, 7 oz.
- I still take semi-solid food 2-3 times a day. Most of them time only twice a day - lunch and dinner.
- I love to snack (cheese, yoghurt, bread and especially biscuits) in between meals, so sometimes I eat very little lunch or dinner (much to Mommy's frustration).


1. Make weird sounds when I am 'geram' with any of my soft toys...

2. Sit on anything that is at the 'right' height...

3. Stick my tongue out...

4. Talk on the phone....

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