Thursday, February 5, 2009

15 Months Old

Today, I am 15 months old!!!


1. Movement
- I am more confident and faster on my feet, I keep my arms closer to my sides.
- I can stop and bend to pick up objects.
- I can kick a ball.
- I can climb up the stairs easily and faster and climb down slowly.
- I can climb in and out of the IKEA resting chair easily.
- I can climb down easily from the bed or the sofa but find climbing up more challenging (perhaps it is the height)...

2. Hand-Eye Coordination
- I put my hands and arms up when Mommy pull on a shirt/blouse for me...
- I am adept at fitting pieces into a shape-sorter (but do not know which shape goes where yet) and putting coins into a 'kitty' bank.

3. Language
- I love to or try to sing along.
- I like to babbles a lot!
- I can a few words. My favourite words: "ball", "bo-bo" (my pooh), "bubble", "elbow", "oh-oh!" (whenever I dropped something), "yes", "cheese" and of course, "daddy" and "mah-mah". Lately I have been calling Mommy "mama" too (although she prefers me to call her "mommy").

4. Learning
- I am able to understand simple instruction very well such as "Go pick it up and bring it to Mommy", "Put it back on the table" and "Come here".
- I am developing the use of imagination in play, for example, feed my lions.
- I am able to identify the different body parts which I have been taught such as the nose, ears, fingers and elbow.

5. Social and Emotional
- I am more socially confident but dislikes being carried up by 'strangers'.
- I have a minor fear of big animal replicas such as the elephant at the zoo and the wooden horse at Ah Gung's house.
- I have a strong attachment to Mommy and Daddy. I will cry if one of them leaves the room. I still and will also cry when bored or when I have to sit in the car seat for longer than 10 minutes. Mommy and Daddy get very frustrated when I cry so much...

6. Physical
- I have 8 teeth. Four at the top and four at the bottom
- My weight is nearly 10kg
- My height is ???
- I still drink 6 oz of milk 3 times a day. There have been times when I drink less than 6 oz)
- I take semi-solid food 2-3 times a day. Most of them time only twice a day - lunch and dinner, but I do have snacks (cheese, yoghurt or biscuits) in between meals sometimes...

WHAT I LIKE (in no particular order):

1. I love to climb the stairs... when allowed...

2. I really like to run or walk very quickly. I noticed my shadow for the first time today...

3. I like to sit on small chairs or stools...

4. I admire pretty flowers... those on plants...

and even those which have fallen off a tree and laying on the ground...

5. I like picture books

6. I love playing hide-n-seek cum peek-a-boo. I will laugh very loudly whenever I hear my playmate goes "Chiiiiaaaak" whilst playing...

7. I like to put things in my mouth and bite them. Previously, I don't do this much. But lately, I do this a lot!

8. I like to help clean the floor. When Mommy doesn't give me the mop, I will scream.

9. I like water... I like to drink it, I like to bathe in it, I like to play with it...

10. I love soft-toys! When I am not cuddling them, I like to drag them around...

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