Friday, February 27, 2009

Hair Cut: The 4th time

I had my fringe cut again last Wednesday. It is a little uneven as it is very difficult to get me to sit still nowadays...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here's me playing peek-a-boo with Mommy...

My Trail

I leave a trail of toys wherever I go. From the living room, to the kitchen... to the laundry area at the back of the house...

The living room.

Between the kitchen and the living room.

The kitchen.

The laundry area.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Going to Bed at Night

Almost every night, I must sleep in the big bed first before I am transferred to my playpen. Otherwise, I would make a big fuss by crying and refusing to sleep in my playpen...


I usually dance by stamping my feet and making turns. I can do slow turns and fast turns...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alvin & The Chipmunks

I love the chipmunks. I am very happy when I see them on TV...

Daddy happened to changed the channel and the show was on. Unfortunately, it was almost the end of the show. I was very upset when I couldn't see much of the chipmunks. When the show ended, I cried and cried...

Samseng or Duck

Someone commented that I walk like a 'samseng'. A couple of months ago, someone else commented that I walk like a duck...

What do you think?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Choo-choo Train

Mommy was busy in the kitchen so I played with my trains nearby...

I like to push them around...

I don't know how to say "choo-choo train" so I say "chee-chee"...

Friday, February 20, 2009

After My Shower

After my shower, Mommy would put me in the playpen with my soft toys and books...

She would then push it near the bathroom before she taking her shower and tidy the room...

Most of the time, I don't mind this arrangement. Also, when she is done with everything, I am usually already napping...

Savoury Biscuits

Yum, this biscuit tastes very good!

Mommy, you should buy me another box or two...

The Puzzle

Ever since I know how to complete the puzzle about 2 weeks ago, it has become one of my favourite activities...

Yummy Toes

Recently, I have an insatiable hunger for my toes!

Colour Pencil

Mommy gave me a colour pencil to draw something, but I don't really know how to use it.

The lines I draw are not very clear.

Mommy, please get me crayons la...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Audio CDs

Lily-yee gave Mommy a few audio CDs and a VCD of children's songs. I really enjoy children's song. I would shake my butt, make turns, nod my head or stamp my feet...

When a song ends, I would be upset...

Bo-bo & I

Hey Bo-bo, what plans do you have today?

Mommy, Bo-bo said he wants to go gai-gai. Will you take us out for a walk?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Free Things

Mommy bought another new product of milk powder again. This time it is Nespray (not Anmum, not Wyeth Progress Gold, not Dutchlady)... Why?

Again, because there is something free. Books!

Mommy loves to buy things that have free gifts...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dinner Time

Nowadays I join Mommy and Daddy everyday at the table whilst they have their dinner. They have their dinner at about 7pm or later. But I usually have my dinner at about 6pm or 6:30pm. So I'll just sit and drink some water or snack a little. Sometimes, I also curi makan some of their food...


Oh, Mommy didn't know I enjoy cornflakes. At first, she was unsure if I can chew and swallow them properly. No problem, Mommy. Don't worry.

I was first served cornflakes last Friday when Mommy accompanied Auntie Juliana R. to a bible study with Grace...

Activity Phone

Mommy bought this for me from Tesco when she went shopping with Lily-yee last Thursday...


I like to 'talk' on the phone and doodle with this toy...

(Video 251.avi from 2009-02-16 folder to upload)

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Kitchen

I dislike it when Mommy goes to the kitchen. I would follow her and show her my disapproval by crying. Today, nothing could stop me from crying. Not even when I was given something to eat or a toy to play with. I would only stop crying when Mommy left the kitchen.

Mommy, I need your full attention. Please stop whatever it is that you have to do in the kitchen! I don't like the porridge you cook for me anyway...

I nearly drove Mommy crazy today with my endless crying. Mommy thought perhaps the jab last Saturday has an effect on my mood today. So she tried very hard to be patient with me. She even took out a new toy for me to play with...

Crying is quite tiring. So I napped for nearly 3 hours today... :)

How I Danced

Astro was showing some children in a dancing contest. I was so excited watching them that I too wanted to dance...

This was how I danced...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sailor & Bee

Quick, we don't want to be late for the meetings...

Mommy, my hands are dirty...

Walk and Play @ Bukit Jalil Park

Daddy, Mommy, quick... I want to go to the park now!

Yippee... we are on our way to the park finally!

Oooh ooh, I am on a see-saw...

It is such a hot day. See, Mommy brought the fan to keep me cool!

I wonder what that girl is doing there...

I know I am not allowed to climb up this thing. So I'll just sit here okay...

You cannot catch me!

Why, this horse is not going anywhere, is it? Hmm...

Thank you for the cap. It is very sunny!

Time to go home already?!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vaccination: Chicken Pox

After discussing it over with my pediatrician, Mommy and Daddy decided that I should have the chicken pox vaccination. Before the needle even touched me, I already started to wail and struggle. After crying very loudly for about a minute, I stopped and was back to my usual self.

I didn't like having my head circumference measured nor my height. I also didn't like it when Dr. Florence put her stesthescope on my chest. I felt a bit scared not knowing what was going on. I pleaded with Mommy and Daddy, sobbing with tears... I wanted to get out of there. But as soon as all was done and checked, I didn't want to leave... I wanted those cute teddy bears!

Weight : 9.4 kg (Only 0.03 kg more since the last visit last month)
Height : 75.5 cm
Head circumference : 46 cm