Thursday, June 4, 2009

19 Months Old

Today, I am 19 months old!

I still love books and animals. My favourite animal now is the rabbit...

I seem to cry a lot more lately. When things go wrong or doesn't go the way I like, I make a big fuss and cry alot. I drive Mommy nuts especially when I keep crying over little little things. For example, as you can see in the video below... I get so upset when I dropped my favourite toy car...

I still have 2-3 main meals a day and also milk (6 -7 oz) times a day. My favourite is still cheese. Most of the time I have porridge (with chicken, fish, etc.) as my main meal. Sometimes, I have some noodles, rice, pasta or bread. I have no problems drinking water. I drink alot of it. I don't request for sweets or sweet drinks (yet), except for the occassional treat of a 'Vitagen'...

My speech development is progressing. I can say and use many words, both English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin). I have started to repeat quite clearly most words Mommy and Daddy say, although I may not understand them yet. I have also repeated after them the letters of the alphabets from A to Z. Sometimes even saying the next letter before they say it. The only letters I can't say properly are "F", "N", "R" and "W"... There was a video taken but unfortunately, it has been corrupted. Mommy said she will try to retake another later...

Mommy hasn't measured how much I have grown. So I can't tell you about my physical development. However, I am sure I have grown a little taller and gained a little weight. Also, I can tell you this... Sometimes I walk backwards just for the fun of it!

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