Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kick, Turn and Jump

My dance includes kicks, turns and jumps. I just love dancing!

Dancing in the morning...

Dancing at night...

Laundry Helper

I like to help Mommy with her laundry. Usually, I help by passing her a hanger to hang up the clothes. But today, I decided to help hang them too... in my own way...

Ain't I helpful?

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Swimsuit

Finally, Mommy bought me a swimsuit. So when are we going for a swim, Mommy?

Saying "A" to "Z"

Finally, Mommy managed to make me say the letters of the alphabet from 'A' to 'Z'. Sometimes I like to say the next letter and not repeat after Mommy. But hear me say the letter 'W'... it is such a mouthful!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First Malay Word

I said my first malay word last Friday night. I lightly stroked Bo-bo's face and said "Sayang"...

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Tumbler

I am so happy to have a new tumbler with many printed "bear-bear" pictures on it. Mommy bought it two days ago from Jusco...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Drinking Water

I don't like to drink water from the bottle anymore. I prefer a cup or any container. Whenever Mommy gives me water in a bottle, I will ask her to 'ohpan' (open) it or pour it out for me...

Aaaah, it is a much more satisfying way to quench my thirst...

Don't worry if I spill any water because I know how to wipe it dry...

New Camera

These are the first photos taken by Mommy's new camera. The 'old' one is not working well, the flash doesn't work and so the photos are mostly blurred. Finally, Mommy bought a new one during the Jusco Member's Day @ Sunway...

Monday, June 22, 2009

'Teeeeh' Time with Daddy

Sleeping Comfortably


On June 21, 2009 @4:42 PM...

On June 18, 2009 @ 4:25pm...

Notice what is my favourite sleeping pattern?

A Banana & Toothpicks

I love to eat bananas. Eating them using toothpicks is something new and interesting to me. But Mommy, I think I still prefer them not cut up into pieces like this... (Mommy: Okay, darling. As you wish... next time.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bolster And I

Dancing with my mini bolster. We are inseparable! :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Three Musketeers

We are the 3 musketeers in Mah-mah's new kitchen, which was just completed yesterday I think...

2 hours ago...

It's not easy to get me to sit where I am supposed to...

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here's a video of me sighing and complaining. Where did I learn to sigh like that? From Mommy!! Now she realised that she has been sighing too much... but too late, I am already imitating her saying "Haiya..." which is usually followed by a sound effect "Tssk"...

Why is Mommy taking so long to change me?!

Playing Outside

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saying "A" to "H"

Since the last video was corrupted, Mommy has been trying very hard to get me to say all the letters of the alphabet again. However, I have not been very cooperative. Well, it takes a lot of effort to say from "A" to "Z", you know. Anyway, today I repeated after Mommy the letters from "A" to "H" only, because I wanted to enjoy my cookie first. Maybe next time, okay...

Use a Coaster, Please!

For the past few days, whenever Mommy put a bowl or a cup on the coffee table, I would quickly fish out a coaster from the drawer and insisted that she put the bowl or cup on it. I would also put my own water bottle on the coaster. She was taken aback at first but quickly praised me after that...

The Ellen Dance

Mommy was watching a talk show "Ellen Degeneras" when I started to dance in tune to it. Watch my feet! I can tap dance!

Good thing I did not step on that switch plug lying pointed up there on the floor. Mommy, please be more careful in future okay. She was using it earlier to pull me around on a ride...

No Mountain High Enough

No table is too high for me to reach my chuit-chuit (pacifier)! Yes, I pulled the chair out and climbed on it right under Mommy's nose. She nearly had a heart attack when she realised what I did.

Too bad, Mommy has not been successful in weaning me off the pacifier yet...

Monday, June 15, 2009


I said 'Amen' for the first time, after the prayers at the end of our Christian meetings yesterday. Mommy and Daddy were delighted!

Knock, Knock

I found a milk powder scoop and had fun knocking it (like a hammer) everywhere!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

On And Off

I like to turn switches on and off. Every night before we go to bed, I insist on helping Daddy switch off the TV, Astro, lights and fan. Of course, some switches are too high for my reach, so I will ask Daddy or Mommy to 'pou' (carry) me first...

When going up or down the stairs, I like very much to turn the lights on and then off too. At other times, I would switch the standing fan on when we come downstairs in the morning. And sometimes, Mommy would give me this multi-purpose plug to keep me busy until my little fingers are tired or aching...

The Barking Dog

When we were out at the mall today, I was so fascinated by this dog that Mommy and Daddy decided to buy it for me...

However, when Mommy brought it out in the evening, I was suddenly afraid of it... Duuh!

Travelling Battles

I don't like to sit in my car seat. Lately, I even learnt how to escape from it. I can literally crawl out from under those seat belts. After many battles with Mommy, she let me go free today. And as I stood between the front seats, I kept calling Daddy a thousand times...

Of course, Mommy and Daddy think that safety should always come first. But really, after so many long battles, would you prefer that I stand rather quietly or sit crying VERY loudly for at least 30 minutes just for one day?

A Message for Daddy

Daddy, I have a message for you... do you see it?

Daddy loves me too! :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Riding Backwards

Thursday, June 4, 2009

19 Months Old

Today, I am 19 months old!

I still love books and animals. My favourite animal now is the rabbit...

I seem to cry a lot more lately. When things go wrong or doesn't go the way I like, I make a big fuss and cry alot. I drive Mommy nuts especially when I keep crying over little little things. For example, as you can see in the video below... I get so upset when I dropped my favourite toy car...

I still have 2-3 main meals a day and also milk (6 -7 oz) times a day. My favourite is still cheese. Most of the time I have porridge (with chicken, fish, etc.) as my main meal. Sometimes, I have some noodles, rice, pasta or bread. I have no problems drinking water. I drink alot of it. I don't request for sweets or sweet drinks (yet), except for the occassional treat of a 'Vitagen'...

My speech development is progressing. I can say and use many words, both English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin). I have started to repeat quite clearly most words Mommy and Daddy say, although I may not understand them yet. I have also repeated after them the letters of the alphabets from A to Z. Sometimes even saying the next letter before they say it. The only letters I can't say properly are "F", "N", "R" and "W"... There was a video taken but unfortunately, it has been corrupted. Mommy said she will try to retake another later...

Mommy hasn't measured how much I have grown. So I can't tell you about my physical development. However, I am sure I have grown a little taller and gained a little weight. Also, I can tell you this... Sometimes I walk backwards just for the fun of it!


I am the only child. So I get a little lonely sometimes...

I would call out to the kids I see outside. Sometimes, they would say "Hello" back but sometimes they don't...

I am very happy when I get some attention, especially from the friendly 'kakak' (big sister/maid) opposite our house. You can see her in this video...

Anyway, I am quite happy playing on my own outside. I love the space to run and run around...